Great can't wait. And yes, him doing time: I wouldn't bet the farm on that.

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Novack ranks with Mattick as a true revolutionary. I would suggest Mauricio Lazarrato as a successor

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Revolutions are seen as impossible until they become inevitable


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It you are a Trotskyist you will like this from George Novack: "Here are two examples of Marxist foresight, one confirmed in a positive, the other in a negative manner. In 1906 Trotsky set forth his theory of the permanent revolution, which predicted that the proletariat would have to take power and adopt socialist measures in the coming Russian revolution. That is what happened in 1917...Twelve years later the exiled Russian Marxist declared in a series of writings that German capitalism had been plunged into so severe a crisis by the crash of 1929 that the shaky Weimar Republic was doomed. The crisis could be resolved only by victory for the socialist working class or its defeat at the hands of the fascists. He warned that the mistaken policies of the social-democratic and communist leaderships were preparing a catastrophe and forecast that Nazism in power would crush the entire German labour movement, destroy democracy, unleash world war and attack the Soviet Union. Although his alarms went unheeded, their correctness was substantiated by the events of the next 15 years." https://www.marxists.org/archive/novack/works/history/ch11.htm

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It was over in 1980 when Reagan was elected with the emphasis on elected

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I read your uncle's book Late Capitalism

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Hey ? What's that sound? Long Waves crashing....

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Wow, Paul.

One of your best ovations, ever.

Not sure how you do it but thank you. A singing you be not! If that was you on the keys. Not bad, my man.

See you in hell cause it's almost here.


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Oh yeah that was me trying to remember the chords to that lovely song by old Neil. That was nothing. When Trump dies or goes to jail -- the former is more likely --- I will post a one man 30 minute blues and rock and roll performance here, with occasional interruptions for drinking from a special bottle of wine I have set aside for the occasion.

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