Beautifully written !!! KEEP GOING PAUL!!!

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Dear Dr. Street, your "fire in the belly" vehemence never dies. If I were an action movie director I would nix Bruce Willis and cast you in an intellectual action adventure.

You, Cornell West and Chris Hedges would have the staring roles. Former president (and God willing never again!) Trump and former Secretary of Treasury Henry ("Hank") Paulson would be cast as the villains. This would be a James Bondish sort of adventure with fast, late model cars, provocative, scantily clad women of all races and the lead anti-protaganist would be Chairman Jerome Powell who we see sitting in a banker's chair with smoke pouring out of his ears as he cogitates raising interest rates another one half of one percent. While the nation dithers.

Of course I won't charge movie goers to see this movie. Rather, I will pay them to see it. This will overcome the fallacy of "trickle down" economics and put money directly into the hands of movie goers.

All I can say (as a so far unindicted inside trader) is buy stock in popcorn manufacturers. Now.

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Most of the Western left and Marxist intellectuals I came up with have checked out and given up, citing tired old BS maxims like "optimism of the spirit, pessismism of the mind" (Gramsci) as the pessismism of their minds fuels the pessimism of their spirits. It ain't me!

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God speed, Dr. Street. Thank heavens (or whatever) someone in this country can see outside of the wall-less prison of capitalism and wage slavery.

Does anyone today even know who Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were?

Does anyone today know about the sordid, deadly history of capitalist oppression of labor in this country. Does anyone remember the Blair Mountain coal miners' strike incident?

I'm heartened (slightly) by the nascent movement toward unionization at Starbucks and Amazon. But I would be thrilled if those young people threw Schultz and the other profit stealing manager out on the street (sorry, no pun intended) and took over the companies themselves and gave themselves a "living wage " raise so they don't have to live in broom closets five people to a room. Enough already. Basta! Throw the bums out for Chr*st sake. Why do people put up with this?

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You're such a PaulyAnna.

Where is your dark side. Enough of this PaulyAnna talk



*where are the peace makers*

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Dark side - LOL. I've got a heavy dose of noir. Pascal's bargain: you lose nothing by believing in God, you lose everything by not believing. Well, I'm an atheist, but susbtitute socialist revolution for God. It's not about the odds; it's about human agency. At the same time, a good communistic dialectician is always attuned to contradictions under the surface of events. I think there is some very real revolutionary potential in the present moment.

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Herr Hegel. Thesis, antithesis = synthesis

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Probably filed away in the same mildewed drawer with the pace makers. You know, for the peoples who's arteries are clogged with McDonalds chicken glop sauce.

What ever happened to the, "Now that's a spicy meataballa" guy?

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If by a "democratic Republic" we mean a government of three branches, none of which listen to the people, who are endlessly preached to that they are the sovereign power, while big money and lobbies actually run every aspect of "our" government, then we have the wrong form of government, Period! Capitalism, where money is the supreme power has more to say about our government than the entire voting public! To top this, some of those lobbies are explicitly "foreign" and control our elections. Whether you buy that crap about having a "democratic Republic" or just blind to who is running "our" government, we have no greater task facing us than to drastically change the form of government that we currently tolerate. This is no more "A government of, by and for the people" than I am the Pope! Wake up America!

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i soooooooooo agree

but how

so many right wingers out there

so many centerists

so many don't rock the boat or if so; just a little

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When all else fails--Revolution is the Solution! It's obvious that voting for either of the two corrupt parties will never change anything. As one of our Founding Documents states,,,"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to break the bonds, etc.,etc.." Well, it's way past time to pay attention to that document!!

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What surprises me is that fact that Biden and his criminal team are doing openly what past presidents have done, but have gone to great lengths to conceal. These strange, homicidal people don't seem to see how bad this all looks, to openly encourage a country to commit war crimes. And send them more weapons to do just that. And with the whole world watching!

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You see the potential for a revolutionary movement,

PaulyAnna Paul. Hope you got this one right. All I see are the sparks of clashing sabers.


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Revolution is the Solution! Voting for two money-corrupted Parties, whose only thing in common is money and keeping third parties from gaining a foothold, is NEVER GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING!

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