Excellent! We need to understand that fascism can manifest itself in different ways at different times and under different circumstances. The US has been in many ways fascist, but it is not exactly like German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, or Argentine fascism in the period 1976-1983, for examples, or a number of other countries. Plus, as powerful as those countries were, they never equaled the US in its hegemony and military force, although Germany was considerable in its impact and destructiveness, especially. The US is pretty much unique in terms of long-term force and reach, as well as in its way of dominating. This is what makes it particularly dangerous. Paul's article and explanations makes all of this clear in a relatively brief and comprehensible way, showing what US fascism is in its Trumpian form.

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Many here in the "good ole yewnited states of amnesia, oops, I mean amerika ,have no idea what horrors are on the horizon, partly because it's it's deliberately not stated on radio, TV and newspapers esp. NYT and WSJ. Many others around the world can see it partially because they are not so brainwashed by media, advertising slogans and ignorance of history. but most have no idea of what horrors are rapidly coming our way.

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Richard Wolff says this is like a child putting their hands in front of their eyes to make the monster go away.

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I like Richard Wolff. He's good at illustrating with his storytelling.

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In a recent interview he said when you oppose the status quo or normative ideology (capitalism) you have to learn to have very brief clear and concise with your arguments since no one wants to hear you, you have to make your point fast. Good insight. No one is better at it that RW. He keeps me sane sometimes.

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I am looking forward to your future reflections or definitions of words shown to be in the up and coming post. The clarification of the non relationship of fascism and corporations was helpful. It’s something I have been confused about for a while. So, Paul, we are so fucked and it is helpful to know how much so. I, like so many others, am trying to understand or view a way forward. The two dominant political parties have oh so gradually lead us to this precipice where we are suddenly aware of how dangerously bad everything has become. It’s a slap to the collective consciousness.

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We just watched and lived Fascism for the past four years. Cancel culture. War on Christianity. Show trials. Literally the FBI going after political targets. Riots in the streets. Chaz. Criminal being let loose on our the streets. Boarder invasion. Stakeholder capitalism. Private public partnership. Censorship. Struggle sessions. And Biden’s Hitler like fiery speech flanked on each side of him by the military. The closing and fencing of the people’s house. Federally organized Reichstag fire aka J/6. Big lie after Big lie.

Total Covid tyranny. Mandates. Pandemic of the unvaccinated. LBTQIA takeover of women spaces. Marginalization of actual Americans. Shutting down of small businesses and churches.

Who’s democracy are you talking about? What do you mean by our traditional democracy?

Let’s talk about our Republic…

Cut out this nonsense.

We already had four years of Trump.

Y’all should of left him alone and let him govern. But y’all couldn’t do that. Otherwise you’d be saying good bye to him in a few short days.

Y’all reap what you sow. Enjoy the show of your own making. You lost!

I highly doubt this comment stays up.

God speed.

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This is insane and moronic. It's incoherent and ridiculous too. Let's leave it up!

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The truth hurts bro. Last 4 years in america... Purest of facism..!!

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More from the Loony Tunes crowd. I am a harsh radical critic of the blood-soaked imperialist Genocide Joe and Killer Kopmala and marched and spoke against their Gaza crimes again and again . But the "purest of fascism"? You can't be serious. Just wait. Read the definition up top. Have you noticed the dismal Dems giving up power peacefully after losing an election to your Dear Leader? Compare and contrast with the deranged orange assface of Amerikaner Fascism in 2020-21.

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Paul, unfortunately it could read like Shakespeare on LSD and those who believe equally wouldn't question one word of it Peasants have been led about by their kings and Queens since we decided to exchange paper for labor. This Old Goat sees the writing on the dumpsters.

Every single country has the exact type of government that the people deserve to have. And I don't say that sarcastically. History is our school, it's a matter of attending that class or Jerry Springers class.

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This comment proves that a square peg fits in a round hole when the round hole is cavernous abyss of ignorance.

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"you lost. Would have been the 2 words you should have typed. Your biases are showing astonishingly bright.

You made a few assertions. Backing those up with facts isn't an ability you're capable of. Like trump, schoolyard tactics, are best left in the sandbox. Step into class and teach me something. Then I'll listen. Otherwise go back outside and play.

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Te Reagan seems to think I was a Kamala supporter. Te has me saying "traditional democracy," which I never said. Te has no understanding that I am sharply critical of what passes for "democracy" under capitalism and in the US. Te is an antivax pandemo-fascist, which is a mass murderous thing to be. Te seems to think I support cancel culture. Te advances the fascist narrative of a "border invasion" and undoubtedly will never learn thing one about the US imperialism that has made life so terrible for millions south of the border and elsewhere around the world. Te shows their racism by calling the beautiful anti-racist George Floyd Rebellion "riots in the streets." Te thinks straight Christian white folks have been marginalized by brown-skinned immigrants and LGBT folks and so on. Te watches FOX News and is basically an American neo-fascist who thinks that public health measures and vaccines and diversity initiatives are fascism. Te thinks Trump's first fascist administration should have been met with silent submission. And so on. Te is a knuckle-dragging lowbrow Know Nothing who has been convinced by right wing and "social" media that she/he (can't discern gender from name or pic) know a lot.

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She. Looked closer. Anyway I know these people very well. You don't debate them, you defeat them.

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I don't know you or "te" from adam. But your remarks are incredibly personal and insulting. You hughly give yourself away as incredibly small minded and devisive. Your country needs to start to pull together or you are in serious trouble. I don't think you understand the concept of thesis, anthisies, solution. Communism was hughly funded by wall street, back in the day. Divide and conquer....!!!

You fall headlong for it. You might need to do what you accuse "te" of doing. THINK.!!!

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"Communism was hugely funded by Wall Street." Right. Where on Earth do you get this stuff?

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Been thinking quite a bit for a long time, John Prendergrast. Paul Street is an independent progressive policy researcher, award-winning journalist, historian, author and speaker.

Reviewing Street’s 2014 book They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy, the prolific educational theorist and political commentator Henry Giroux wrote this: “They Rule is a brilliant analysis of how power works under neoliberal capitalism. It uncovers the multiple layers of repression and its machineries of economic and social death in the US and at the same time provides a discourse of resistance, hope, and possibility. If you are interested in what it means to understand not only the workings of totalitarianism, but the possibility of a radical democracy, this is the one book you should read immediately.”

Dr.Cornel West on Street’s 2008 and 2010 books on the Obama phenomenon and presidency: “Paul Street is the most acute observer and insightful analyst of the ‘Obama Phenomena.’ This book gets beneath the political smoke and mirrors to reveal the pervasive rule of big money that drives the American Empire and global capitalist economy. Street’s courageous truth-telling is the pre-condition for a massive radical democratic movement.”

John Pilger on Street’s 2008 book Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics: “All those interested in truth rather than seduction should read urgently this wise book by Paul Street, who peels away the mask of the ‘Obama phenomenon’ and reveals power as it is, not as many of us wish it to be. Perhaps the only book that tells the truth about the 44th president of the United States.

Noam Chomsky on the same book: “Street’s lucid and penetrating book situates it firmly within the ‘corporate-dominated and militaristic U.S. elections system and political culture,’ explores in depth its substantive content and its limits and draws valuable lessons about how these might be transcended in the unending struggle to achieve a more just and free society and a peaceful world. It is a very welcome contribution in complex and troubled times.”

Political scientist Anthony DiMaggio on Street’s 2021 book This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals, and the Trumping of America: “As the left’s foremost political historian today,” political scientist Anthony DiMaggio writes, “Paul Street has been ringing the alarm bell against the rising threat of American fascism for years. His work is sorely needed in a time of mass denialism, when tens of millions of Americans have convinced themselves that fascism can never ‘happen here.’”

Paul Street is the author of ten books to date: Empire and Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (New York: Routledge, 2004); Segregated Schools: Educational Apartheid in the Post-Civil Rights Era (New York: Routledge, 2005); Still Separate, Unequal: Race, Place, Policy and the State of Black Chicago (Chicago: Chicago Urban League, 2005); Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: a Living Black Chicago History (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007); Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics (New York: Routledge, 2008); The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power (Routledge, 2010); (with A. DiMaggio) Crashing the Tea Party: Mass Media and the Campaign to Remake American Politics (Routledge, 2011); They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy (Routledge, 2014); Hollow Resistance: Obama, Trump, and the Politics of Appeasement (CounterPunch Books, September 2020); This Happened Here: Neoliberals, Amerikaners, and the Trumping of America (New York: Routledge, 2021). Paul writes regularly for Counterpunch.

Street’s essays, articles, reviews, interviews, and commentaries have appeared in numerous outlets, including CounterPunch, Common Dreams, Moyers & Company, Truthdig, Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Dissent, RT.com, ZNet, Z Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, Capital City Times, Refuse Fascism, Revolution, In These Times, Chicago History, New York Journal of Books, Critical Sociology, Journal of American Ethnic History, Social History, Review of Educational, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, Dissent, American Herald Tribune, the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Oximity, Economic & Political Weekly (India), Tinanbantu (South Africa), New Left Project (United Kingdom), Press TV (Iran), The Times of India (India), Morning Star (England), Al-Alkhbar (The News in Beirut, Lebanon), Dissident Voice, Black Commentator, Monthly Review, Op Ed News, Third World Traveler, History News Network, Tom’sDispatch, AlterNet., the Iowa City Press Citizen. Street’s essays have been translated and reproduced in numerous languages (including Spanish, Russian, German, French, Portuguese, Persian, Chinese, and Tamil) and picked up across the planet/World Wide Web in venues too numerous to track and mention.

Street was awarded First Prize in the category of “Political Commentary-National” at the 60th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards in 2018 and received the National Council on Crime and Delinquency’s 2001 PASS Award for work in the media and community.

Street’s writings, research findings, and commentary have been featured in a large number and wide variety of media venues, including The New York Times, CNN, Al Jazeera, RT, the Chicago Tribune, WGN (Chicago/national), WLS (ABC-Chicago), Fox News, and the Chicago Sun Times.

Street has been seen and/or appeared in more than 100 radio and television interviews/broadcasts. He has been interviewed at length on Al Jazeera, The Real News Network, RT, Black Agenda Radio, The Revolution Nothing Less Show, and Counterpunch Radio, among numerous other outlets.

Street has taught U.S. history at numerous of Chicago-area colleges and universities. He was the Director of Research and Vice President for Research and Planning at the Chicago Urban League (from 2000 through 2005), where he published a highly influential grant-funded study: The Vicious Circle: Race, Prison, Jobs and Community in Chicago, Illinois, and the Nation (October 2002).

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John, aren't you doing exactly the same thing that you're accusing Paul of doing? I'm hopeful here that you're not yet another Russian bot I'm wasting my retirement hours on. I'm not going to disagree with your observation on the divisiveness that's happening currently in the USA. But, even before the beginning of our Civil War, we've had political push and shove matches among our citizens. What I don't understand is you said you don't know Paul or Te, yet your reply lacks any mention of Te or his lies about the outgoing president. Which makes me question your motive as a non citizen,I assume from your usage of "your country" Te,made claims and assertions aplenty, without one concrete shred of evidence of he said she said. That's nothing more than an opinion of our country or Biden. Just as trump has been doing his stick of bulling, like a spoiled brat grabbing all the other toddlers toys as his, for his entire life. I'm one who has been studying trump since the early 80s. Mainly because as an architectural student I tried to understand his father and his reasoning for their determination to turn New York City into another Mall America. Back when he was a younger, more viral, woman chaser, and Party boy, and his Daddy was trying desperately to install his "wisdom" of scamming anyone and everyone, especially the Blacks in New York City. Yeah, even back when the Democrat trump partied with the Clinton's and back when he accused 5 young innocent black gentlemen of a crime, taking out full page adds calling for their death by advocating for the death penalty. Yeah,even after they were found Innocent, he resorted to lying. Ya' wanna know why? One of the gentlemen's name was Yusef Salaam. Take that as a hint.

I'm not going to list all the misdeeds he and Daddy have done over the past. Honestly I'm a slow typist. I just had to add my 2 cents because of your statement about personal attacks. No one, I mean no POTUS in our short history has been as divisive and lied as much as trump. Those aren't my opinions, those are documented facts. Also remember, for the first time in our history has a president been granted full immunity pre-crime. Absolutely spitting in the face of our Constitution. So, the only language they understand is their own language. And even that's futile to try and teach teenage acting thugs of trying to topple our government because you lost your latest toy! Te, didn't mention that loss. His "mandate" was exactly 2,284,316 of those who voted.

Teach The Children Well, is not a song trump would know anymore than, History is a school, too few attend.

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Boy, oh boy. TDS big time! Hey 👋, guess what? Y’All LOST! Time to get the hell over it. You leftist had your shot, and America voted for Trump. Why? Because y’all spent your wad on the Obama/Biden crime family. You literally supported fundamental change for the past 12 out of 16 years, and the people saw everything y’all did. Healthcare is a disaster. Y’all went after the kids. You encouraged a gay couple to adopt two little boys and had no problem with child grooming. It’s disgraceful what y’all have encouraged And y’all call it progress. Y’all call evil good, and good evil.

Your agenda is as old as civilization itself.

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I am against the Warp Speed Bio Weapon Clot shot. Trumps vaccine that y’all readily opened your arms to receive because Biden told you too.

Nope, I never took the shot. Nor did I ever get sick with the flu in 2020 or anytime after that. Lol

But, I watch y’all vaccine freaks get sick over and over again.

Antivax? Lmao! Ok 👌

Y’all keep on shooting up that junk.

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Were we in separate countries? Who was the POTUS dining a mask, and getting the shit when COVID hit? After the drink bleach, or winter will kill it fiasco? Don't say he was a pussy and forced to wear it. That's just infentile speak. One thing I'll always be proudly able to say is. trump never does anything he don't wanna do. Daddy wasn't even listened to as trump's business history shows us.

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Fantistic! Can't wait for the next installment.


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We should also note how fascism defines or redefines criminality. The crimes of the people imposing and upholding fascism are all made legal, as we see with Trump... crime after provable, convictable crime, unpunished, and in fact he now has a very wide range of crimes - wider than any other individual in the country (?) - for which he will be granted total immunity. He himself put the machinery into place to secure this. Think about that for a second. Little to zero action is taken against the crimes of the 1% in general and as they embrace fascism as the route to greater riches and power, they will be given more and more freedom to act with impunity against the rest of us for their ill gotten gains. Corruption, graft, clout, different rules for different people, that's all peanuts under fascism. Open plunder and murder is permitted when you are wearing the right uniform. Rampant illegal behavior proliferates under fascism because the entire notion is illegitimate. No laws apply at the top while the laws at the bottom become harsher and pervasive - all thought and behavior that does not give the fascists further control is made illegal.

"Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught."

-Honore de Balzac

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Could we ditch misinformation? What's incorrect about three letters forming the word lie? Yes words can be weaponized, as we have witnessed. Insurgents=Patriots. Insurrection= Day of Love News = Fake News. Soldiers = Losers. Nazis= Some are fine People. etc. etc

*Trump's speeches at his most recent rallies in 2023 and 2024 have employed the most violent language of his political career and were only marginally less violent on average than Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's May Day speeches from 1966 to 2006, according to the researchers.*

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Parsing word meaning is a task that is always needed. All my conscious life I have associated the word 'authoritarian' with fake authority, but that distinction is pretty much temporally localized now, i.e. Boomer talk.

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It's hard work too. I was a bit surprised how trick this writing task was.

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Can you explain? I'm curious. I have a decent vocabulary but grammatically am not very efficient at translating the scope of my thoughts into written language. It takes a lot of work. I think at least two distinct parts of my brain are needed in the task. Plus I communicate a lot nonverbally.

P.S. I wouldn't bother with the ding dong right wingers. They're entitled to their own reality and many of them are mentally ill(e.g. narcissistic). I could go on but I'll leave it there.

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Oh Joy. Another victim Jim Crittenden has a distaste for Boomers. When will these pootme kids stop blaming their parents and grandparents for all the problems? It's like there were 22 years of America, and all those previous and after years don't even exist. Because one generation of humans were so damn powerful, we tilted the Earth's axis off a few degrees.

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You missed my point Glen, but you are correct about Boomer Blues being a thing today.

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My apologies, and that's twice today, I pulled the trigger too quickly, hitting the wrong target. Damnit I'm got to stop, drop, and roll.... away from here for the evening. This vilified, far too often, "hippie commie" he only sees red with Boomer...bids you adieu. ✌️

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I knew there was a good reason to reply to you. Peace.

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I think most on here are old enough to be my parents. I'm 43 which is relatively young but on the verge of getting old(greying beard, sleeping dramatically less and being mentally tired as in disillusioned). I'm outgroup and tend to stay in my own space. I'm not a kid and don't consider myself one of the "adults" and don't want to. I think relating to most of them is basically giving up on life if you know what I mean(rigidity, unquestioningness, inability to acknowlege not knowing, loss of creativity and humor, not being able to imagine doing things differently or better etc.). Occasionally I'm pleasantly surprised by some of them though. :)

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Understand completely. And John, I'll let you in on something that has happened. after enough thoughtfulness, and analysis of my past years as a USA citizen. I'm now going the "way" of an old dear comedian I admired, George Carlin. I see no reversal of my neighbors sillyness in my increasingly shorter future. Jerry Springer has won, the bell has tolled. It's your battle to fight now. I'll bid my time as a "consultant" until my expiration date arrives. May you find enough support to light a volcano, or ten. and as always may peace be given a chance.

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And Jim, I truly appreciate that. That's a gesture not easily given any longer. I've always owned my shit. Keeps others from using my bullets against me. Peace, love, and music.

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