At the base of not most but ALL that's associated with Jan. 6, is LIES! Now it's time to consider making "lying in the affairs of government", (which is broad enough to appeal to any of the practitioners of the pseudo-profession of law,) a felony crime. When one looks at the damage 'lying' has done to fabric of our Republic (so-called), there's every justification for undertaking this action. Moreover(or 'less under' if you prefer) if we can so easily make lying to the FBI, a "crime" and lying to Congress, "perjury", the devastation caused by lying to the entire nation surely deserves immediate consideration by our AIPAC distracted "public servants" (again so-called). We should be demanding legislation that directly addresses this problem,,, preferably before it totally wrecks the nation.
At the base of not most but ALL that's associated with Jan. 6, is LIES! Now it's time to consider making "lying in the affairs of government", (which is broad enough to appeal to any of the practitioners of the pseudo-profession of law,) a felony crime. When one looks at the damage 'lying' has done to fabric of our Republic (so-called), there's every justification for undertaking this action. Moreover(or 'less under' if you prefer) if we can so easily make lying to the FBI, a "crime" and lying to Congress, "perjury", the devastation caused by lying to the entire nation surely deserves immediate consideration by our AIPAC distracted "public servants" (again so-called). We should be demanding legislation that directly addresses this problem,,, preferably before it totally wrecks the nation.
The whole damn country is based on a ton of lies from day one imho.
Hard to refute what is a brutal fact!