It should be clear enough, for even the dullest of minds, to see that this type of government has built within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Look at the 'millionaires' in the totally dysfunctional Congress, look at the "political hacks' on the Supreme Court in the service of the elites and now look at the runaway presidency as envisioned by the Supremes. Folks, we need a revolution, which is how this nation got started and we desperately need a new start! WE ARE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD! We could not be more DIS-United than we are at present. Revolution HOWEVER, requires a unity of purpose-so we're not even able to mount a revolution! In short,WE'RE FUCKED! AND this is where blind trust, complacency and indifference gets you. Have a nice day.

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My journals from this time will eventually be published as "The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich." What vectors of effective resistance present themselves?

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Oh, superb piece of writing. First old enough to vote in 1972, I have never, ever witnessed anything like this Not even close. It certainly looks like capitalisms days are numbered. The question seems to be whether or not the human race survives its downfall.

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Since the end of World War II, the U.S has told so many lies about itself and created so many utterly fake enemies that it has essentially lost touch with reality. As an example, Professor John J. Mearsheimer was recently shown a video clip of Anthony Blinken saying something clearly not believable. When asked if he thought Blinken was lying, Mearsheim replied, "It's not lying if what he is saying is delusional." That, in a nutshell, tells us the current mental state of the U.S. ruling elite, Democratic and Republican.

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Before too!

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Your recap of the most recent public "news" has left me speechless. I think that the Age of Homo Sapiens is rapidly coming to an end. As a species, we had enough potential to not only create a complex set of social systems, but the power to destroy them, as well, for no reason other than the greed for power to which abject insecurity gives birth. I sincerely hope that I'm mistaken.

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Re: Biden. I n the days of vaudeville bad acts got me hook. More recently we had the Gong show . Alas, no such tools seem available now.

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I heard a report via msm radio that Biden spent last weekend at Camp David coloring bombs —- no, no — with his “family” discussing whether he should continue with his campaign, and his family wanted him to press on.

I believe that is more ineffective PR bullshit from Biden HQ, but imagine it is true and the Bidens had a family meeting.

What is this: The Brady Bunch?

Genocide Joe says screw the nation. To hell with all of you. My family wants me to continue the campaign.

Makes me feel demented as I imagine Flipper the dolphin calling to me.

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Dumb family! Shame on Dr. Jill!

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