P.S.: The post-10-7 Gazan death count has gone over 5000, including more than 2000 children. The 10-7 Hamas raid body count was 1400. When will Zionist Judeo-fascist Israel's bloodlust be slaked? How many dead Palestinians does Israel need? 10,000? 20,000? 50,000? 100,100? How many dead Palestinian children will do it for the racist US-backed butchers in Tel Aviv? When does it end? How many corpses before a cease fire?

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Nail head meet Paul "the hammer" Street!

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Great piece. I'll add:

"They rightly call the mass murder inflicted by Vladimir Putin heinous, evil, and the like."

The Russian invasion in Ukraine has been called 'genocidal' by media pundits. Which is a brilliant inversion of what is actually happening, both in Ukraine and Palestine. It is classic 'accuse the enemy of what *you* are actually doing.'

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Paul, Thank-you for continuing to say the plain truth despite the denial with which it’s received by the vast majority of citizens. I share the immediate response of disbelief. However, my disbelief is that there is no mass movement in America protesting the mass murder being supported by government operatives in our name. I was a teenager in the 60’s and witnessed the marches opposing U.S. actions in Southeast Asia and opposing racial injustice in this country. The fact no such reaction is evident now, in this bleakest and most dangerous moment in world history, is the irrefutable sign the walking dead of this nation are ascendant. Maybe the vast majority of citizens are in a state of paralysis due to disbelief that the horrifying suffering now being inflicted on thousands of innocent children and families in our name, is real.

I know folks who’d say, “If you hate America so much, why don’t you just move to another country%.

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The terminology you use is fine for a far leftist but everyone else will think you are off the wall. Even while thinking about the nature of Joe Biden and of Israel, what point do these slurs make (even if correct) in trying to win someone not quite as left to your position?

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You hit every point with accuracy. But the snide language used should be discarded. Sure, we're all beyond angry. But respectfully making your point would be more attractive to readers.

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which snide language where?

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"Emperor Joe"? He's the current head of the US Empire, the biggest most powerful and dangerous empire in history and the top imperial aggressor on planet right now. I think "Emperor" works and his first name is Joe. I have less than zero respect for Joe Biden.

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"Judeo-fascist Israel"" It is elementarily accurate: an ethno state, an occupattion state, and apartheid packling millions into a giant concentration camp, pratcising seige warfare against them, butchering their children...more. It fits.

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So these are the only two terms in the essay that I think someone might (wrongly) see as "snide." I just don't see it, in all honesty. I don't. Sorry.

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Maybe you meant your comment for the previous essay...I was kind of sninde toward that jerk who wrote to CounterPunch to complian about me daring to mentilon that Hamas's attack was criminal.

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As I've previously mentioned "Judeo" has too many other connotations and you're really describing Zionist racism, as so many great Jewish thinkers have proudly stated (risking the wrath of the Zionists). The real Judeo tradition can readily be seen in the Einstein and others, famous 1948 letter to the NYT. You're sadly glorifying a vicious dangerous sect of Jewish history....

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how glorifying?

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By giving and making a sect the weight of representing "Judeo}", it feeds into the antisemitic rhetoric. The Corelones don't represent Italians, etc.

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