Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

Much prefer your take on the Supreme Court justices over The NY Times.

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Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

The US has always been at best a hybrid democracy, more for some and certainly less for many others, probably most when it comes to powerlessness and economic/finance policies and system. But regarding what is happening with Trump's court actions, we will look back and say, the US was/is in decline and nothing makes that more clear than the story of Donald Trump and how US's institutions have mostly treated him--executive, legislative, and judicial along with corporate and media.. And we have all been witnesses to it, not so unlike the devastation of US war-making, continuous war-making that has been the most destructive force in recorded history.

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With all of the ruminations about Trump's escaping accountability in so many areas, precious little has been said about the role the lawyers played and continue to play in this 'game' of 'endless delays'. The lawyers and those in black dresses,(judges) have been displaying for the world to see that the law is nothing but a "game", which favors those rich enough to hire these shysters to ever escape accountability. "Justice delayed is justice denied" is an old saying that is being proven over and over again. "Woe unto you lawyers" your 'game' is being revealed.

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Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

The US bourgeois democracy seems determined to commit suicide. Or maybe it already has, and we are watching the corpse decay.

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Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

And the republican vultures cleaning up the carcass.

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Supreme Court just now has shot down the 14th amendment path, as predicted.

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Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

No justice, no peace.

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What Justice? What Peace?

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Feb 29Liked by Paul Street

Obviously the Repugnican party has had and still has a long term strategy for the transformation of what's left of our democracy to a totalitarian and totally corrupt government that can do whatever it pleases to bring down the constitutionally mandated USA governing bodies. If only the Democrats a marginally better long term strategy for continuation of this constitutional streategy. Alas.

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"Corruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy."

-Peter Ustinov.

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