What happens to these horrific memories come election 2024??. Oh our strident prop machine will totally flip side this horror to transform it to

a resounding and well done victory for Israel. And since Americans have only been told the West/Israeli version of the events, they’re totally clueless about the precedents between Gaza and Zion Israel over the last several decades. Most will ingest that Israel was fully justified to defend itself against the terrorist Hamas, which our media cast them as unprovoked architects of that Oct. 7. never to be forgotten slaughterous attack on Israel. The worldwide condemnation of the West/Israeli partners in genocide will become a distant issue in the minds of Americans getting groomed for the upcoming November election. Sad but pretty much on schedule!

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To quote again Dylan’s timeless piece, which we can now dedicate to the worst mass murderer the US has ever created, “even Jesus would never forgive what you do”

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So....someone fill in the blank: And this is different from the WWII Holocaust because.......

F**k Biden. F**k Israel. Neither a time for niceties nor a time for polite....

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Praying with all my heart just for peace and love this Christmas. All the glitz and Santa are meaningless without (unconditional) Love and Compassion, no matter what the religion. ❤️

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Thank you!

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Paul it was really great that you wrote this piece because no truer words could've been spoken.

The title was so profound - I am shocked the world has not stopped turning this crime is so hideous and dwarfs 9-11! The woman holding the sign at the Pro-Palestinians protest said it best: How the %$#@ could you veto a genocide - Thank you again for making sure this stays front page news

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If you ever want to get into a anti-imperialist rant with me over a smart phone, consider "Voice of Kansas" a/k/a Radio Free Kansas. I've been pricking my relatives comparing the Oct. 7, 2023 raid from Gaza to the Custer raid along the Little Big Horn. Many differences and similarities there ...

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Paul while Santa will be stopping off roof tops to deliver presents to those of us who are nice. The USA made bombs will be snowing down on the roof tops of homes in Gaza/West Bank. Don't get any naughtier than that dear friend in the ether

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