The unknown:

*Kinda scary this election cycle*

-Some States may keep Trump off

- Trump could be proven guilty on court of law on some charges. Jailed or sequestered at home.

-his supporters will act out . how?

- the fall out of current wars and now they will play out.

-we'll be dealing with party loyalists on both sides and all those folks in the in between and far left and right. Will they vote or stay home or vote 3rd party.

-Will Biden drop out. If so who will replace.

Lastly we have a world of people out their observing our (USA) actions. Their voices are getting louder as we meld into a multi polar world politic

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No states will keep him off. That will go to the Supreme Court if any states go forward with that and there's no way the Supremes will back Trump being kicked off ballots. No way. And he will certianly not at all be kept off the ballot in any of the handful of contested states that determine the election outcomes under the pathetic insane Electoral College system. The only way Biden drops out is if he dies, which is quite possible. The war fallout is that Biden's embrace of Israel is going to hurt him on his "left" flank and with Arab and Muslim American voters (he's probably already lost contested state Michigan). Multipolar capitalism-imperialism destroys the planet no less than "unipolar" (always a bit of an illusion) capitalism-imperialism and likely involves increased war threat. Trump can win under right-tilted US system even with felony convictions and at least two of his key trial verdicts (classified docs in federal court in Florida and then the state case in GA) are already being put past the election.

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Critical thinking skills are hard to find. Phds are more just siloed consumers than independent critical thinking citizens. I often quote Paul krugman or Robert Reich to show just how narrow their points are. They make sensible points but don't follow them through... they rest on assumptions...delusional assumptions.

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Reich actually wrote a book titled, get this...."Saving Capitalism for the Many Not the Few." It doesn't get much more absurd than that. The sad part is he has a very sharp and incisive mind and BTW he's veen very good from early on about how Trump and Trumpism are fascism. But saying you want to save capitalism for the many not the few is like saying you want to save the electric chair for the condemned not the executioner.

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And Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent. Stiglitz supported Bernie but counselled him emphatically not to use the word socialism! Marketing is everything is America. Truth is taken to be the best marketed idea which of course is just marketing. Marketing is everything in America.

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Today Reich was discussing particular wrong with the American education system. I posted :

Like everything in America-education, especially higher education, is a competitive game that is rigged and ridded with illusions and delusions. It is all about marketing- getting an edge-a ticket-a leg up, a higher rung on the ladder climbing-getting ahead in a every man for himself society. It is all about creating unnecessary scarcity and unnecessary insecurity. The Richest nation in the world could afford universal higher education. The Ivy league represents an especially rigged commodification of education. Status-huge advantage is given to the graduate. It does not prove that he is a higher quality thinker but that he has bought a higher rung than the poor slob that can't afford such a head start. Head starts are everything in a sickly unnecessarily competitive society. America, the richest nation in the world manages to be the best at producing scarcity- grotesque inequity- insecurity- anxiety-poverty. America is exceptional at manufacturing scarcity and poverty with the accumulation of the nation's wealth in the fewest hands.

In America, there is no society, just individuals with and without head starts in a winners take it all race against others. The American ethic is not the common good. The virtue, the goal-the purpose is the individual accumulating more material goods than the other guy. We pay lip service to more noble ideas. But the common good is not the driving force of America. The poorest in America are immobilized by this ethic of individualism. They are stilled in low self-esteem as individuals because they didn't make it individually- when nobody really makes it individually. Making it as an individual is a perfect delusion to keep the masses relatively impoverished. The American ethic-virtue of the self-made man has the poor isolated and alone rather than attaining the solidarity- the power of demanding their fair share. It's a perfect storm that grows and America’s dominate ethic has no way out of it.

It can be abated-it has been abated by Roosevelt by The New Deal...abated by Covid Stimulus relief-that reduces economic depression- or chances of revolt. But any common good created soon gets removed and we fall back to our ways of personal greed. The advantaged taking advantage. Compounded advantages for the few and compounded disadvantages for the many. That's the American story.

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Looks like Mr. Bruni has gotten his head out of his cabaret, old chum. .

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The guiltiest of the enablers are those who treat this grotesquerie and his acolytes as anything but "vermin". Which pretty much is the entirety of both political parties.

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