
Could one compare Hamas with the black panthers and the PA with MLK peaceful protest approach to the genocide of the black movement for equality here in the states.

Lol and hope other listeners support your efforts

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Seems like your question was kidding but I'll take it seriously for a moment and say no cuz the Panthers were Marxist-Leninists who used to hand out Mao's little red book and MLK was a pacifist.

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Normal Finkelstein's call out of Bernie Sanders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R49v3K29mM

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Hamas was elected in Gaza in the year 2006, when it won the Palestinian legislative elections. Hamas won 74 out of 132 seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council, while its rival Fatah won 45 seats. Hamas received about 44% of the popular vote, while Fatah received about 41%. The election was considered free and fair by international observers, but it also led to a political crisis and a violent conflict between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas formed a government in Gaza, but it was not recognized by Israel, the United States, the European Union, and other countries, who considered Hamas a terrorist organization. Fatah, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, formed a rival government in the West Bank, with the support of the international community. In 2007, Hamas took over the Gaza Strip by force, after a brief civil war with Fatah. Since then, Hamas has been the de facto ruler of Gaza, while Fatah has been the de jure ruler of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. The two factions have attempted several reconciliation efforts, but they have failed to reach a lasting agreement. The last election in Gaza was held in 2006, and no new elections have been scheduled since then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governance_of_the_Gaza_Strip https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/01/majority-palestinians-gaza-elect-hamas/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Palestine https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-election-that-led-to-hamas-taking-over-gaza/ar-AA1iJtjG.

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I forgot to mention the lame toothless United Nations, set up as such by the few major powers at the time, and crippled by the shameful USA and Israel. We really could use a world democratic governing body now, but I think it would always be wrecked by some country (ies) or other

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I love your radical evolutionary communism (in it's true socialist meaning) and your disavowing capitalism. This appears to be true for you on the basis of your writings and audio offerings which I've been following for several years, starting with Counterpoint. I will begin a paid sub. in December. barring unexpected emergencies. Thank you for allowing me to tag along without it till then.

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Paul I am a big fan of Finkelstein and a paid subscriber of you. I too was disappointed when Bernie Sanders did not speak out clearly against Israel and demand a cease-fire. But to dismiss him as a sheep dog or moral monster is going too far. His platform his movement in 2016 and 2020 was America coming closer to decency than any elected leader had taken America. The DNC kneecapped him. We got to be careful not to exclude imperfect revolutionaries and not be narrowed by some idea of the ideal revolutionary.

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Well, I've "backed" him in the Iowa caucuses, which are now over for all intents and purposes. The Dems basically killed the Iowa Dem caucus cuz the Iowa ones run too "left" for the top Dems' taste. But I've always had a lot of problems with Sanders. for the reasons I said...first time I noticed him was his backing of the bombing of Serbia (ugh). I am not disappointed by his comments on Israel-Gaza, cuz they are what I would have expected from him. Like when he called Chavez "a dead communist dictator."

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So if Bernie had said Chavez...is where I want to take AMERICA ...what kind of dream world are you In? Becoming more like Norway would be a huge step forward for AMERICA....You want some utopian communism heaven or more likely you want to just criticize...and live in a fantasy world where you are above it all...you and a few heros....free enterprise can work, has worked, does still work...where... regulated where anti trust laws are enforced...with truly progressive taxes....universal education, universal health care, guaranteed annual income and such potential limits like no man' s personal wealth can be above 5 million.

Workable free enterprise no Multinationals....small businesses....these are doable....communism has never proved itself....

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Different world views but lots of common ground too.

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Good points! Thank you. Hamas is not the Gaza people, and its Oct 7 terrorist attack which killed 1400 mostly civilians served US/Israel capitalist-imperialist purposes, so now 11000 Gazans, including 4000 children, have been murdered by genocidal US/Israel, and the slaughter continues. The root cause of this and the other horrors in the world today is capitalism-imperialism.

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I caught shit from a couple of "left_identified friends for daring to distance myself from Hamas and 10-7, incredibly enough. I was like "excuse me, I'm a revolutionary communist committed among other things to women's liberation --- and opposed to wanton killing of noncombatant civilians."

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Hi Paul:

When you spoke about people murdered in the Nazi Holocaust, you referred to Roma/ Romany people as gypsies. The term ‘Gypsy’ is viewed as a slur by Roma people and they are still facing racist repression in many parts of Europe

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But I never hear you go beyond saying we need a revolution. Be specific-what policies?

What have you actually done? It is easy to tear down... standing back and dreaming of something better is a whole lot easier than working in the system to make it better. Paul's a good critical writer.

He knows how to slay but I have not yet heard him discuss a plan of action. I am a writer who sees a lot of good practices going on along with seriously sick ones...so we should support the good stuff not just say the whole system sucks. You are saying that you are deeper, wiser than the likes of Sanders AOC which is arrogant as hell and a lie. "Overthrow the System" Sanders and his movement damn near made it through the primaries. That movement is still alive and growing-that movement is not a communist movement but one to make America more like Norway-Finland-Sweden-Denmark-not like Cuba or Russia or China. Sander's did not just buckle but signed an agreement with Biden that has made for policy differences that matter. Sanders has used his leverage-his movement to make American Society better. Talk of overthrowing the system is so much easier than working in the system to make the system evolve. You should read It's OK To Be Angry At Capitalism-By Sanders. His campaign was real and it was revolutionary. Not a pure pipe dream. Ralph Nader is also an example who worked in the system-to save lives and enhance the quality of life in many different areas. To say that these people should have just walked away and joined forces with something vague and dreamy is ridiculous and arrogant as hell. It's an excuse to stand back do nothing but feel superior. It is what Erich Fromm would call an Escape from Freedom. Alienation. Freedom is participation in power.

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There's just nothing mysterious or hidden on this score. The first thing is to drop the reflexive anti-communism and that attachment to incremental reform in a collapsing house. I am actually quite favorably impressed with Avakian's draft Constitution for a Socialist Republic of North America.. it's a quick Google search away. My guess is you will instantly dismiss anything related to the "rcp cult" (lol) so I hesitate to even mention. There's no serious reforming this thing at this stage. We have a brief window to radically replace capitalism with a full on ecosocialist mode of production and a political superstructure equipped to yes enforce that or it's bye bye any prospects for a decent human nature. That's not my fault. Blame mother nature. She's been telling us for many decades to get off the destructive anarchy of capital or die.

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Bernie came to my attention in 2010 when he gave the 8 hr filibuster speech on the senate floor attacking Obama for carrying on with the Bush tax cuts etcetera.....I have since followed him closely. His foreign policy sucks- impearilistic militaristic...but you have to start somewhere and his domestic policies were heads and tails above most Democrats. Compared to Obama types corporate Dems he seened like a godsend. YES, Cornel West has both domestic and foreign policies more comprehensively coherently correct but he speaks from the position of never having been elected. He has my vote.

Paul, what do you think of AOC and her gang of progressives?

Are there any actual in office American politicians that you have respect for?

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i see differences in all the politicians, from each other. The thing is, the system is the same. capitalism, the mode of production. That is the base. its politicians are all operating in the the complex superstructure arising from the mode of production.

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Of course...but we have to have starting points...or is this all about just being critical.....do you ever get beyond just saying the system sucks....at least Bernie Sanders made real inroads AOC is doing more than waiting for an ideal party to work in....COMPROMISE is not a dirty word...it's the real world.

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No it's not just about being critical. Many people don't understand the whole base and superstructure thing so I like to promote an understanding of it. Apparently I was mistaken and you already understand. I think that's a good thing. I agree we need to have starting points and go beyond just saying the system sucks. I have chosen as a starting point doing what ever I can to help urgently organize for an actual revolution to overthrow his system and establish a whole new and much better system, socialism. I think people who support Sanders AOC etc. are people who understand a real change is needed. That is a good thing. If that energy could be directed at organizing for revolution it would be a very significant thing, it would change the whole direction of things.

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Jonathan Cook has it nailed in his recent commentary, “condemn if you wish....”. If anyone can say it better, please let me know.

George Hunter, Roanoke, Virginia

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Appreciate your stand on ALL issues ,,,but this recording sucks big time there's no way anyone can understand a word of it!

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others hear it fine so not sure how to answer. I run audios by my own ears on my pc and I can hear this okay though I do think it is a little quieter than usual. For some reason, my PC doesn't let me record direct into the Substack system so I read pieces into a voice app and send files to myself via email to download on their system. I'll look into some technical fixes because it's not first time I've heard this. And others say they hear fine.

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It was primarily the volume setting! With full volume it still sounded like you were whispering. Full disclosure, I am 'hearing impaired' but have no difficulty with any other recording.

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