Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Paul Street

The Sioux rebelled against the massacres and theft of their land in 1862 the US Army put down easily. President Lincoln approved the mass hanging of 38 Sioux who took part in the rebellion.


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What the United States will be remembered for in 500 or one thousand years -- should humanity last that long -- will be its ruling classes' ability to con (as in a confidence game) the working class into thinking that what was good for the 1% capitalists and financiers was good for the nation as a whole.

It is no wonder Americans grow increasingly angry and frustrated; they have been conned to buy into a system that takes more and more from them (their work, their labor, their productivity) every year while giving less and less back. (In lower wages relative to inflation, fewer benefits. etc.) Marx and Engels saw all of this in 1848 when they understood that capital would "immiserate" the working class. Of course most Americans don't even know what the working class is having no class consciousness.

I've tried to leave the country but, believe me, like the poor souls trying to sneak across the southern border, nobody wants poor Americans. The American capital class loves desperate illiegal aliens. They work for low wages, can't unionize and can't complain or they'll be deported. Back to the countries (like Guatemala) that American capitalist companies (United Fruit now Chiquita Banana [little girl in Spanish] decimated, expropriating the campisinos' land for plantations).

One can't escape the depredations and ravages of capitalism. And most Americans don't even know this about the economic system they are trapped in and enslaved to. Instead they take out their frustration and anger on their equally downtrodden neighbors. Just last Sunday a small store owner was shot and killed as he was closing his store in a robbery just down the block from my residence. May he rest in peace.

And may we someday, somehow, someway, find a better economic system than this. One that immiserated the masses so a few greedy b*stards can get obscenely rich. With money that they couldn't spend in a thousand life times while the poor experience their food stamps running out a week before the end of the month and wonder what they'll do to feed their kids until the next EBT allotment comes in on the first of the new month.

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Happy 5th of July, and hope everyone enjoyed the 3rd — Julian Assange’s birthday; and 4th, and every other day, if and when possible.

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Free Leonard Peltier

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“They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they kept but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.”  Red Cloud Sioux Chief 

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Your re-exploration of America’s ruthless

and genocidal history is again so beyond the pale of humane and just treatment of

African American slave barbarity, and the

annihilation of our indigenous peoples, that

assaults my sensibility of what is the unique and precious Creation of God’s children!

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Oh, my name, it ain't nothin', my age, it means less

The country I come from is called the Midwest

I's taught and brought up there, the laws to abide

And that the land that I live in has God on its side

Oh, the history books tell it, they tell it so well

The cavalries charged, the Indians fell

The cavalries charged, the Indians died

Oh, the country was young with God on its side

The Spanish-American War had its day

And the Civil War too was soon laid away

And the names of the heroes I was made to memorize

With guns in their hands and God on their side

The First World War, boys, it came and it went

The reason for fightin' I never did get

But I learned to accept it, accept it with pride

For you don't count the dead when God's on your side

The Second World War came to an end

We forgave the Germans, and then we were friends

Though they murdered six million, in the ovens they fried

The Germans now too have God on their side

I learned to hate the Russians all through my whole life

If another war comes, it's them we must fight

To hate them and fear them, to run and to hide

And accept it all bravely with God on my side

But now we've got weapons of chemical dust

If fire them we're forced to, then fire them we must

One push of the button and they shot the world wide

And you never ask questions when God's on your side

Through many dark hour I been thinkin' about this

That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss

But I can't think for you, you'll have to decide

Whether Judas Iscariot had God on his side

So now as I'm leavin', I'm weary as hell

The confusion I'm feelin' ain't no tongue can tell

The words fill my head, and they fall to the floor

That if God's on our side, he'll stop the next war


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For reasons anyone should understand, I posted the latest article to my Blog, "SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER" on June 21, a week before Biden's disastrous debate June 27.

In that Timeline, naturally it's more interesting for me to note so many are speaking TRUTH to Biden in POWER in the REAL World in REAL TIME!


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