And BTW, no the PBs, Three Percenters, and Oath Keepers etc. are not out taking aim at the people who have been rallying against mass deportations and the overall trump fascist madness. That could happen and may, of course, but Raskin really shouldn't be suggesting that fascists are going to kill people resisting the fascist coup.

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Perhaps he'd like to encourage efforts towards physical defense of people exercising their rights of public assembly and free speech?

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This one realy spoke to me Paul. Just today, in Federal Plaza, I say a sign asking some local politicians "where are you when we need you." But few signs about the absurd Gaza proposal by Trump. I was thinking that could be the modern day imperialist-capitalist version of the "Trail of Tears." When the Indivisible rally ended that they told people to go home, a good portion of the crowd joined the RCC for a march into the street. As one woman put it, "they can't just stand here, we have to do something." So, after viewing your pidcast send the link to a dozen of so friends.

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Syd I think some decent people are having a hard time keeping up with the fascist-Trumpist BLITZKRIEG. I mean, Jesus Fascist Christ, I wake up every day and start trying to track it and my head is spinning. RCC is very far in the vanguard of how to understand the real situation and what is to be doñe. Like Noche Diaz's speeches said last Saturday: get in the streets, stay in the streets, make this country ungovernable and then fight the whole damn rotten to the core system.

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Syd, Trail of Tears immediately came to mind when I first saw Trump talking about getting people — meaning the Palestinians he wants ethically cleansed out of Gaza — “nice homes” in another country.


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Fear permeates the air and Raskin probably scared some people into staying home. I feel it. The Oathkeepers and the Proud Boys are scary and no doubt there are some Kyle Rittenhouse types out there eager to murder protesters. However, I agree that the consequences of failing to stop the Trump/Musk fascist menace are grave enough to summon the courage to stand against it before it's too late.

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And self defense is both a right and important.

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. Imho we need people like Raskin on our side, not waffling on the nature of the fascist danger we are facing. Someone needs to go talk to him.

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Yesterday I was at the Phoenix rally against fascism/Trump/Musk. It is so bad out here. Our congressional representative was Paul Gosard. By gerrymandering we now have Andy Biggs. Biggs was on video in Phoenix at the Maricopa County counting center demonstrating to stop the count. Gozar was one of the House members to vote against seating Biden.

The rally was over 3,000, much more than reported by the Arizona Republic, the newspaper of record in Arizona of reported 'several hundred'. This ridículos error made no sense as this paper continually criticizes Trump ect. Yet while the rally was good, it was way to much of a Facebook posting event.

I found myself saying small protest but growth will come. I then thought of the Velvet Revolution and the massive citizenry to fill the streets llike that. Then I started planning how trucks could block Canadians borders, mexican borders, shipyards, highways, Amazon Depots, key interste entrances and exits ect. Like you I found myself saying the country should be shutdown through protest ect.

For a long time I wanted the military on the sidelines because the last thing you want in government is a military being used against its own population. Now I think the only question there is how willing it is shoot its own population because it will be used against us. That's why Jamie was so disgusting about staying inside to avoid contact with the Brownshirt Trump supporters.

The streets do need to be packed with protesters who can and will shut down American transportation systems and server farms and...... its has to be done quickly, but took the Czechs 41 years to get rid if its fascist government.

To see the crowd sizes in Prague, just go to Facebook/YouTube and search under Velvet Revolution Footage. I see the irony in this but I don't think it can be helped.

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All this shock and awe has temporarily paralysed many of us. Hopefully we'll wake up and come spring "bring the MFer down"

How's Oreo dealing? is he staying centered?

So let's take it to the streets folks. Tell ICE they are not welcome in our communities. Protest fascist rule



Peace comrades

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