
Meanwhile there's actually "a fascism debate" in academia and on "the left." LOL.

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The novelist Katherine Mansfield reportedly said when she saw the plans for Levittown, Long Island, "I'm glad I'm dying of tuberculosis!" I feel the same way about my own imminent demise from advancing cancer after reading about Trump's plans for a fascist America, or rather, an America that is more fascist than it already is and a lot more violent. The people responsible for this tragedy will surely roast in Hell for eternity, but that prospect offers little solace in the face of the grim news you report in these powerful posts.

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Unfortunately the only possibility I see for revolution here and the rest of the world will come after the changing climate actually brings down a number of capatilists and a majority of the remaining population finally take to the streets em mass.

Love reading your posts Paul, always give me the chance to feel my anger at capitalism.

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Thanks. I have a different take. I don't think it's about the crystal ball. I'm not betting on or aginst revolution; I know that it is necessary for human survival, scientifically speaking. This might be a bit of an example of "the pessimism of the mind" trumping "the optimism of the will." I've long hated the Gramsci maxim "pessimism of the mind, optimism of the will." It is self-negating. It advances an idiotic separation of mind from body and heart. It's just dumb. If Gramsci didn't understand that mental pessimism undermines will....well. I'm guessing writing in prison didn't help! You do have some kind of accelrationist hope that climate catastrophe will spark revolution (by "bringing down a number of capitalists"?) but I think the only hope would mass organization around and for a revolution(ary party) and I think we need that well before the climate things goes fully apeshit (granted, maybe it already has).

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I don't think climate change will bring down capitalists, they will just retreat to castles in the north. But I agree it WILL bring masses into uprising of some kind. And I think that is why the rulers are shifting towards the fascist mode, to try and keep us in control while we die. We need to stop fascism, and also come into the streets in our masses now. That is what extinction rebellion and also refuse fascism is trying to organize and I support. And we also urgently need revolution which is what revcom is organizing for.

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Chomsky was referring to Sanders as a dangerous man?

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No, Trump. Follow the link...it comes early in the interview. Chomsky was into Sanders.

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