Denial is rampant. Insanity pervasive in not-so-great 'Murica, exporting death, hate and violence all over the world, while the so-called titans of business are piggedly, greedily lapping up the last remaining necessary resources of that world. Thank you Paul. Anyone who reads and sees this post will, we hope be shocked, angry and afraid. I hope the revolution on the planet starts very soon! There are very few willing to stand up and resist openly. It has to be a world wide effort, and the heroes are those who put their life on the line to avoid the catastrophe.

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Superstitious magical thinking seems to trump everything else in human affairs . 🤔

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Indeed. The climate crisis is basic natural science. The observation that it is the result of capitalism can never be resolved under capitalism is basic social science/historical materialism.

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Hard truths expressed with the usual incisive PS wit and biting way with words.

Adding to the 'Murica madness are the media idiots advising on how to celebrate summer despite the prevalence of life-threatening temps, including gems on privileged consumers making the most of overseas vacations, to and from which one will (must) fly in carbon-spewing comfort.

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And during covid, hundreds of thousands died because fanatical religion told them not to get vaccinated.

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Great article,,as usual.

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Firstly, going back to the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries before the US cavalry supported the Christian missionaries ventures into native indigenous people's lives in order to "civilize" them and restrict with laws their rights to practice their own spirituality, the native Indians had a balanced lifestyle.

Nowadays the climate deniers, lead by the fossil fuel industry's falsehoods and propaganda, and politicians who are compromised by that industry, are leading the US and the rest of the world to destruction and a planet uninhabitable due to the extremes in temperatures that cause droughts and massive fires etc. The real scientists (not those engaged by the fossil fuel industry) are laying out the consequences of continued use of fossilf fuels, but they are marginalized by a media that is in the pockets of those same FF lobbies. We're in an ever tightening net, and as an ordinary citizen, I feel quite helpless except to voice my concerns.

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We have always been our own worst enemy!

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“Hitler’s battle and Luther’s teaching are the German people’s sure defense.” German propaganda poster 1930's

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