RCP/Revcoms. Folks, there's an actual revolutionary communist party in the USA. Perfect? No, hardly. The most seriously radical and revolutionary organization in the country, avoding all the pitfalls I developed in my four part Substack series titled "The Lame Left"? Yes, hands down. I've been pretty much through each one of the seventeen pitfalls critiqued in that four parties series. Read it. Here's the RCP site: https://revcom.us/en

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Thanks for another passionate blast of authentic opposition, bold resistance and compelling argument that a revolutionary, eco-socialist movement is the only "politics" the matter now. Earth shattering historical events in the affairs of mankind presented Old "Lunch Bucket Joe" with an Abraham Lincoln moment, but he blew it, as expected, and the result will be the epitaph of the disgusting, dishonorable, corporatized duopoly that now rules the Swamp in extreme "authentic opposition" to the legitimate interests of the American people and the promotion of the common good. Once again, we enter another election season with nobody running worth voting for. It's tragic to see America go Fascist in the radical grip of the neoliberal evil empowered by the military/corporate/congressional establishment Eisenhower warned us about.

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Yup,,,you just described the need for a revolution.

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If P.Street's version of America had been taught in school, we'd have had a revolution some time ago. Instead we have this thoroughly sickening faux so-called "government of the people", which only represents "certain" people, while the largely ignorant and Iphone-obsessed majority are busy doing their 'thumb exercises', searching for any meaning to all of it....said meaning being provided by the same jokers who feed their iphones .

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LOL...it was, by Street, which is no small part of why Street was consigned to adjunct status by tenured authorities with less than a tenth of his academic publications. As John Pilger once wrote, if we had proiperly functioning humanities and social science departments in our educational systems, schools would be engines of socialist revolution. Rght now they are for the most part agents of cowardice and surrender and atomization and stupidity.

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The Northern Illniois University History department, where I did my undergrad, was known as 'the little red schoolhouse on the prairie" back in the day. A good part of the pedagogy you say is required happened there, Thomas Comeau. I'll never forget those four years. It was Marxist history and indeed classic and New Left Marxism across disciplines all day.

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Not in my generation it wasn't! I'm in my 93rd year! lol

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Hey Paul,

I’ve got a question: Why is it that you solely address Trump’s guilt in Jan 6th without addressing what came before that; specifically, the information that’s found in Durham’s report and/or Jeff Gerth’s ~20,000-word exposé on the inception and evolution of what became known as Russiagate?

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Kevin...looks like you are addressing Russiagate. Have at it

I was quite withering in my criticism of the HRC campaign's deflection of their neoliberal imperialist failures on to Russia. There's zillions of things I don't address...when is the last time I wrote about the latest crimes of the Myanmar regime? I am happy to let others dig into the Durham Report...I have a reading list up to the roof already. Do you think the Durham Report in any way absolves US Republi-neofascism to any significant degree? If so, why? Does the Durham Report alter our understanding of January 6?

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Thanks for your reply, Paul; will respond as soon as I can

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Oops. Did I fluff your feathers, Paul?

Robert K. I know is a tad ourt their as is Williamson. But want to hear what they have to say primary tiime.

Taking it to the streets like the proud boys did when they stormed the capitol will not stop the reality of the upcoming election. Would you rather I protest with non vote. Dennis or Bernie could surprise us.


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My question remains. Why muck around in stale and fashy electoral crud when a socialist revolution is required, as Stewart explains above?

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No feathers fluffed. Just vaguely nauseated.

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Wish Wisllomson and R. Kennedy the very best. Hope more Democrat Co tenders enter the Dem primary. Biden needs to step down IMHO and younget, more progressive, candidates need to challenge is policies. Also, hope a far left of center 3rd party candidate emerges. We need a strong debate on the future direction of this country.

Finally: I hope all the octogenarians don't seek reelection.

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RFK Jr is a conspiratorialist antivaxxer arch lunatic. Williamson is a self help guru. What would a third party left candidate achieve under the US system? Why the ageism? And why place hopes in us electoral politics? How about joining a revolutionary socialist movement beneath and beyond the quadrennial big money big media candidate centered capitalist electoral extravaganzas they sell as "that's politics" --- the only politics that matters?

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100% agreed. People need to be throwing their weight behind an actual socialist political party and organization. I think the serious question is: where or who is that party? DSA? Green Party? People's Party? CPUSA? The Left needs to sort out the dog's lunch of party options and build ONE to be a serious threat. I'd be interested in a short essay analysis from you Paul on the party options available, and which one is the best bet to put membership, resources, and time into.

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Don't know what we'd call that third party but may I suggest we consider "Reason" as an appropriate tag? With that, may I suggest a nearly ideal candidate to accompany that tag- how about we get behind a 'non-politician', a known and well-liked and well-respected intellectual, an ardent believer in common sense wedded to a ferocious appreciation for science, his chosen field, who has through his many forums, displayed his capacity to solve problems of which we have more than our share, thanks to the 'politicians'---I'm referring to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the astrophysicist and smartest person on the scene. Let's get a movement to get him in the Reason Party and use some of his 'smarts' to save the nation before we go completely off the cliff. This guy has no patience for BS and will cut to the core of any problem quicker than anyone else in the line-up. And he has the added feature of being well liked by the majority!!!

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The current ruling 'duopoly' will not countenance any competition whatsoever! That's about the only thing about which they can agree!! All a third party can do is drain votes from the two major parties,,3rd party will NEVER win!

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3rd parties don't win they drain. The duopoly is a cesspool. So let's drain the cesspool, reboot, with a better algorithm. Any ideas Street?


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All over my work.

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Well ya but that's got us nowhere ( sorry)

Got a plan B


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Are you looking to one substacker for the revolution? Get organizing comrade . Report on your praxis.

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Good starting point: listen to Sunsara Taylor tomorrow noght: https://revcom.us/en/woke-lunacy-vs-real-revolution-0#showings

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