It was Marx, I think who said, "...history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce." I think when remembering about 2016 and 2024, we need to modify and reverse, first came farce and now tragedy.

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Had same thought a while back...

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but on third thought, 2016-21 was pretty tragic with all the covid deaths Trump helped generate and the environmental and public safety regulations she undid.,

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Yup, stop whining and get pissed off!

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The American Government is a pitiful but dangerous and corrupt hollowed out shell. Maybe a shell game but it is plain to see, it's pushing the world over the final edge of nuclear war and/or climate disaster while causing tremendous pain all around the world. I haven't expected much from the Republicans but I expected better, foolishly, I see now, from the Democrats. The scales are off my eyes! They have facilitated the polluting and selling off America to greedy billionaires who are utterly addicted to the wealth and power they hoard, and care nothing for the rest of us.

In addition to the above, The Democrats are lying while they pimp for a donation while selling us, we and all the people out.

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Gore Vidal spoke of the "United States of Amnesia," a nation that either does not know history or does not remember. If he were here today, maybe he would call it the "United States of Denialism." I suppose losers, too, want to maintain a corrupt system in which they wish to believe they still have a part. Remember the monkeys--see no...hear no...speak no.... Or do they seek to participate in the "Weimar" replay?

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Snakes and spiders and some other species inject a neurotoxin which paralyzes their prey and protects the predator from any form of defense or return attack. The US American population has been similarly paralyzed by its natural predators, the capitalist ruling class, its corporations, their "education" system and propaganda outlets. They don't fight back because they can't fight back. Their intoxicated minds don't function that way. They cannot move, and they will remain motionless until they are killed, or provided an antidote that doesn't seem too risky or too complicated to understand. If this wasn't true, we would not be in the situation we face. It would not have gotten this bad. The largest voting block does not vote, and those who are not rich and do vote, vote for their own antagonists. We are being destroyed too easily now by increasing the cost of basic living beyond the point where 80% of us can pay, and soon canceling all public assistance, routing out or discontinuing Medicaid to further the health care profit system, and pulling out the rug on Social Security. This is dangerously close. Technically you are allowed to live, but you will not have enough money to survive in a house or apartment and still eat. Had any medium to serious health problems lately and no insurance? You'll get the picture really fast. You won't be able to fight back by tightening your belt. The cruelty of capitalism's monsters like Trump and his fellow takers and plunderers to exact whatever measures they see fit to weaken and ultimately destroy us for their gain is on full display, and most of us sit either paralyzed or appearing so, without any safety in numbers because too few of us remain who are strong enough to even think of resisting the tide of destruction which confronts us. When you are sick, and have no money and no medical care, you will die. This is not a problem or concern for either political party with "skin in the game." Fatalistic? Our inaction determined that we would be here. It was not hard to see trouble coming, yet The People by and large did nothing, and have seemingly accepted their fate, most still totally unaware of the full extent, frozen in place not knowing where to run if they could.

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