Yes!! Thank you Paul! I studied in college in the 60’ and early 70s socialism-read Marx, Engles, Fanon, Malcom X, Castro, Mao, — at now 83, I can’t remember them all. Being raised poor working class, I said, “Self, makes a lot of sense, socialism is for me!” But over the years I became a liberal. What happened to me? Living in a capitalist world that’s what. The worst possible thing!! I now can’t do anything cuz my body doesn’t work very well, but I still have my socialist books and the ideology of socialism to support.

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I worked for a ruling class-dominated liberal nonprofit organization for five years. Also spent many years in and around militantly bourgeois "higher" (LOL) education. Hey, I wanted to pay off cars and mortgages and buy food and clothes and help send a kid to college. :)

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According to figures I saw last week, rents have doubled in the last 20 years from an average $750 to $1500. How many renters have seen their income double in this time period? There you have it, current stage capitalism in a nutshell. The squeeze gets a little harder each day. If you have no place to live, too bad, you didn't "work hard enough." Now you're on the street, but boy were you stupid... all it would have taken to have an apartment would have been to never live in it, except to sleep. The rest of the time you work. "Uniquely American" is I believe how George W. Bush put it, back before it took 3/4 of your income to have a place to live - owned by someone else.

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I deal with an apartment assessment so high it might as well be rent. Parasitic extraction.

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My rent doubled in 2 yrs in the past 5 years.

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A fantastic critiquing of the rotting carcass that is capitalism today. Absolutely agree with every part of this post

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We have witnessed the shocking ignorance and absolute moral collapse of the U.S. ruling elite, Democratic and Republican. How long can such class last? It would seem to be headed inexorable toward self-destruction.

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$Billionaires are a Crime Against Humanity in a MONEY driven World.

Too bad the US Christian Establishment disregards all Biblical admonitions concerning the rich content with their tax freedom Status Quo!

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So let me see if I get this straight. The reason surplus value is commodified into hedge funds, etc. is to give anarchic capitalism an appearance of order when in fact the form of order is monarchic, oligarchic, and plutocratic. But these are masks for an enforced thuggery capable and willing, if not eager, to wreck misery on humanity.

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The World Economic Forum is dedicated to the illusion of order and benevolent planning in the name of "stakeholder capitalism"! Thanks for saying anarchic - yes!

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It seems that the message you have very clearly expressed in the report today is not getting to most of the people who need it, meaning the poor, the toilers in factories and farms, the middle class falling lower and lower, the religious leaders, the college students, the college professors and any of those mentioned in your piece Paul. Are people just so frightened or brainwashed, or a charismatic leader who can be heard everywhere... or finally a death wish?

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Unread, due to working too many hours for too little pay, and clinging to an angry person who sounds like themselves, would be my guess.

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Back up, buster.

We need billionaires to run the Department of Government Efficiency.

They will put better drones up to guide us and keep us on task.

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Capitalism combined with colonial systems is the largest barrier to deal with the climate crisis, living wages, fair housing and so many other areas! I think the first spot to remove capitalism is the political system. That’s the only path to solve these problems created by capitalism itself.

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And colonialism is part of capitalism. Everything is political. And I think revolution, in a modern Marxist Leninist sense, is required to end capitalism.

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Yes indeed letus get to work prmtop and fullon at nonviolently getting rod of systematised greeed.

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Socializing health care could be the catalyst which initiates further discussions on the many other issues you discuss in this article. Could this be the beginning of a movement towards ending capitalism as presently exists. 🎅

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A remarkable tour de force of insidious capitalism.

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Well, the capitalist system may be coming to an end thanks to Trump and his DOGE team. They are inquiring if the FDIC can be eliminated or rolled into the Treasury Department. Of course FDIC was created following the Great Depression to encourage the populace to again trust the banking system due to folks losing everything when the banks went belly up. The bizarre development may be the influence of Musk to force anyone with a few bucks to move into crypto or put a pile of paper money under their pillow.

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We should let them near the garbage disposal system so they can clean up their mess.

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Perfect case of not seeing the forest through the trees. I have advocated for national healthcare for more than 40 years and its one step forward , two steps back. Your absolutely right, the whole system has to be changed.

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Our Constitution enshrines minority rule. That is exactly what makes all these crimes possible. Lets talk about how we replace that minority rule with true majority rule. Our Constitution was designed to protect the wealth and property of the American oligarchy. Lets talk about how we create a system that protects the majority of Americans from the minority of the rich. We need a revolution. We need to abolish majority rule once and for all. No new system will function unless it has the full support of a majority of Americans. With so many problems, nothing will correct the course we are on except a new fully democratic political system. That is derived from a new constitution, IMO. It is past time to organize for a new national constitutional convention with the specific goals of making our government fully democratic.

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