As I watch the news with images of the current and likely to continue disasters, especially natural but of course also person-made I wonder at the ongoing leftier-than-thou readiness toward the recurrent irony of the gifting of so-called "prizes," that ignores the one that might be more meaningful today, a Kropotkin Prize for the best ideas for any circumstance for implementing Mutual Aid. Which would include generating ideas for converting the massive outpouring of nationalistic love generated by the World Cup to life affirming enterprises, that could easily dwarf previous efforts by the entertainment industry.

I use the term "person-made" tongue-in-cheek as a reaction to currently trendy "white male privilege," not so much for the "white" part of it but for the male portion, as so glibly and unthinkingly emphasized in the Counterpunch article about multiplication in horsemen (italicizing "men") which unfortunately lacks a response option, which ignoring by intent or design (even if not by you) the immense contributions of Rice, Albright, Clinton, Thomas, among so many others who may remain in the shadows, Lady Macbeths, in promulgating and propagating some of the worst human disasters of modern times and reaping whatever benefits accrue from the idea that it is men only who are responsible because it is they who the buck stops at. Its not to say they are worse, simply that it is an unfortunate area that should they wish they could claim an achieved equality. The maxim might be "Take the stance, share the blame." And note that this should not be regarded in any way as an anti-feminism stance.

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and Chomsky gave a talk at the NYC Village Gate back in 1992 titled; "Creeping Fascism." In 2004 Giroux noted: "the specter of a creeping fascism is becoming a reality in the United States."

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

"If there will be a 'revolution' in America today, it will no doubt be a move to­wards some variety of fascism." -- 1969, Noam Chomsky in American Power and the New Mandarins, Pantheon Books, page 17.

"It would have taken a fair amount of foresight, at that time, to realize that the prediction would be proved accurate, with substitution of 'liberal imperialism' for 'fascism,' and that the United States would, in a generation, be employing the most efficient and most ruthless machinery in existence to ensure that revolutionary movements will not evolve according to their own laws, to guarantee that its own particular concept of civilization and justice and order will prevail." -- 1969, Noam Chomsky in American Power and the New Mandarins, Pantheon Books, page 311.

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Matt Rothschild from The Progressive' was careful not to over use the 'f' word over the past decades... until Trump came into office and showed his colors:

Trump's in Touch with His Inner Fascist

by Matthew Rothschild, Executive Director

February 18, 2019

Hi friends!

Thanks for coming out today...

Let me cut to the chase: Our democracy is in an existential crisis right now: Will our democracy hold, or will it succumb to Donald Trump?

You know, we’ve been told since we were little kids that we’ve got this tremendous system of checks and balances.

Well, guess what?

It’s not so tremendous.


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Removed (Banned)Dec 13, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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