Assuming that Paul`s description is accurate, which I do, the situation we face is unprecedented. While my language is less descriptive (or even less inflammatory, some might say), what he says here is crucial to say the least. Where I live, an unusually good local PBS program is attempting to keep informed local and even statewide viewers of Florida political and community affairs. Yet, as one example very concerning, their skeptical perspective of Pam Bondi and certainly not endorsing her as either state attorney general or national, by comparison to the fact-based curriculum of Bondi, makes her sound like a lamb. We seem to be collectively walking into a violent hurricane- force new administration with, as far as I can tell, most people are not prepared for or willing and able to face as it really is. When talking personally to people, nearly always I have been met with disbelief, people thinking it can't be "all that bad." My moderated, calm analysis and fact-citing is treated as near-lunacy or unreasonable negativism, with people attempting to carry on their personal, social, and business life as usual. Even people who know me, or think they do, respond in various forms of denial and avoidance.

It is tempting to simply feel, "well, they are going to get what they deserve." But the stakes and prospects for massive injury--personal and community--are so predictable that such a cold-hearted attitude is not acceptable if one cares at all for human welfare and survival. Having lived a long time, I have seen such disregard too often as millions suffer from US national and international policies and continuous wars. Gore Vidal wrote a book entitled "The United States of Amnesia," but it is far worse than that and has developed very quickly since his death in 2012. We are collectively "the United States of denialism and willful ignorance."

It was the first president, Thomas Jefferson, who said speaking about slavery, " I TREMBLE FOR MY COUNTRY WHEN I REFLECT THAT GOD IS JUST.” A case can be made that the national situation is far worse now and it was during Jefferson's was followed by the bloodiest civil war in mid-19th century. What awaits us should cause far greater trembling now.

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Wow. Thanks for those sage reflections!

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The kissing of Trump’s ring is merely a ritualistic expression of the actual component of funds to his project by the billionaires, for he is carrying out their program and needs their funding.

This is a repeat of the funding project that installed Hitler by his super-rich backers in the 1930s.

The French writer Eric Vuillard tells that story in his great recent book, THe ORDER OF THE DAY, which recounts the meeting of the pillars of German industry and finance with Hitler, when their investment in him was formalized.

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Thanks for the “from a to shining z” rundown on Trump’s cabinet picks.

It’s tough to imagine what it takes to put it together. I didn’t even want to read it.

Hope you wore a N95 mask and used plenty of disinfectant while examining the infection.

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I continue to say that it is the Democratic Party that gave the country to Trump not once, but twice. Not misogyny, not patriarchy, not racism. It’s political malfeasance that has brought us to this point. Smirking Chief Justice John Roberts handed the country over to oligarchs, Wall Street, AIPAC, oil and gas companies and any other source with a briefcase full of money. One might think the fledgling progressive caucus would realize it is beyond time to split from the enabling Dems, but instead stick around to accept the accusations that they are the reason for its losses. Duh! In 2016 Bernie lit a fire in the populace that the Democrats decided it was a preferred option to hand the nation over to a TV personality than to let it succeed. So here we are.

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One does not have to choose between dismal Dem perfidy on one hand and patriarchy + racism + nativism + LGBT-bashing + white Christian nationalism (and basically Amerikaner Fascism) in explaining 2016 and 2024 election outcomes or Trump's 74 million votes in 2020. All of the above and more.

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Point taken and true. My comment was in response to the many (almost all) women I have a discussion with about the election results. Pretty much all dismiss the yearlong genocide as the reason for Harris’s loss. I myself am a nearly 70 year old white male who would happily vote for a young gay or trans woman of color if she presented a platform that shared my views and values. Genocide was a bridge too far. Wasn’t feeling the joy. I know you’ve not been approving of the other best known third party candidates, but both were a better choice and also the only way to express my absolute rejection of what Kamala was presenting. Joe 2.0 plus.

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It mattered more for the Biden administration to kill masses of Palestinian children in "defense of Israel" than to "save democracy" in "the homeland." It also meant more to them to wage an inflation-driving proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. I think Stein and West and whoever the PSL and SEP ran were sincerely against the wars and genocide but have no interest in the US electoral game (in which I have gotten quite involved in in the past).

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Had I read your reply before adding my own reply, I could have copied and pasted yours instead. Hear, hear!

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All servants for the Oligarchic Plutocracy taking POWER from the US Republic January 20.

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Well, just to be clear, that plutocracy is ongoing and bipartisan. Arch oligarchy Bezos will sell you my book on that: https://www.amazon.com/They-Rule-1-vs-Democracy/dp/1612053270

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Bleak truth. It’s up to the people. By the -wondering if something is missing from:

“· Patrick Soon-Shiong, the billionaire owner of The Los Angeles Times, cancelled an editorial that criticized Trump’s insane and fascist cabinet picks and told the US Senate not let Trump made recess Cabinet appointments (such appointments are not subject to Senate “

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Thanks. Will review.

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Fine writing. Exceptional research. Even by Paul Street standards. Great bang for the buck! I'd seen it before and thought it hilarious. It remains so: Adolph Trump. True Paul Street.

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Hitler used SOCIALISM TO CONVINCE GERMANS OF BETTER TIMES. When he became Chancellor he embraced FASCISM AND CAPITALISM . We all know how it ended. The Holocaust (11+million killed ), total destruction of EUROPE. USA Capitalist Benefited with the MARSHALL PLAN , that started the slow take over of Western Europe. Through the USA Militarization of Europe under the disguise of NATO and the Threat that RUSSIA posed(COLD WAR). It’s been AMERICAN CAPITALIST FASCISM that has now destroyed EUROPEAN COUNTRIES and around the World. American Fascism (World Dominance). The Fascist in AMERICA ARE NOW BENEFITING FROM THE SEEDS SOWAN BY ADOLF HITLER AND THE NAZI PARTY. It was a SLOW PROCESS. But the FOURTH REICH IS HERE and present in USA.

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it’s here

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ominous name. Luigi inspired?

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After We Peasants allowed our Justices on the Supreme Court to be sold off to the Kings and Queens I simply tipped my hat at Sir Carlin and his understanding of Humans and our justifications du jour. Nothing here people, back to your programs.

Every single country has the exact type of government that the people deserve to have.

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From Mike above: 'It is tempting to simply feel, "well, they are going to get what they deserve." But the stakes and prospects for massive injury--personal and community--are so predictable that such a cold-hearted attitude is not acceptable if one cares at all for human welfare and survival.'

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I call him The Orange Satan(to myself, I live in Nebraska and am unfortunately surrounded by what can accurately be described as Trump cultists) even though it does look like he is painting himself red now. People poking fun at his orangeness probably really bothered him. When you mention tangerine tinted it makes me nostalgic for T7, one of my favorites. Are things to serious to resurrect T7?

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tiny fingered tangerine-tinted Twitter-tantruming tyrant? could add "terrible" and "twisted" and make it T9.

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Yes 😁

I have a list of invented names for things surrounding the Trumpsters that I can only say to myself. I know people who have spent decades listening to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and now are all in listening to the fascist Steve Bannon(family members). I know from experience that saying anything that they have been basically brainwashed to have a knee jerk negative emotional response to does no good at all. I keep myself entertained though lol. It's sad. I've pretty much grieved the loss of everything when it comes to having any hope or faith in any positive outcomes from what I've seen and become aware of in the state of human affairs in my life(my former self and life). I always knew on some level the so called adults were full of it and have never really assimilated myself. Smh oh man it's been a tough journey. I've come out good on the end though as I am old enough and have the emotional maturity and wisdom I would say to be able stand confidently in the space that I occupy and use the physical and mental tools I've developed to keep moving forward and stay productive in the face of crushing and overwhelming insanity.😊

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Well, goddamn, 77 million plus voted to give the single biggest asshole in the history of the human race a second shot at fucking over our own and countless other species for good from atop the most dangerous nation in history. It's not easy to stomach that horrible fact.

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Yeah, a mixture of ignorance and awfulness. You could say ignorance of awfulness as well.

I'd go deeper on what I mean by grieving the loss of everything(it's significant and has been a positive thing) but I can't take up too much space here writing a book on my life experience. I see you have your hands full already responding to comments. Thanks for doing so by the way. On T7, can you make it to twelve? I like the sound of T-12.

P.S. I have non truth-telling, trash-talker, trifling, two-timer, tweaking, teetotaler, trash dumpster Trumpster plus what you have. A few more and he can be T-22.

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I was going along with your decriptions of the Trump cabal until you got to RFK when you spewed forth all the propaganda lies we have been fed with formulaic precision. Clearly you have never listened to Kennedy himself nor have you ever spent a minute studying the issues of health and environment that Kennedy has studied for decades bringing legal actions for the fraud of the Pharma industry and its control of the federal regulatory agencies they are mandate to oversee. Without an ounce of credibility, honesty or fact you spew these lies which are designed to protect the Pharma and Insurance industries at the expense of the public's health, safety and clean/non-toxic environment which we deserve but have watched destroyed.

I lose respect for your writing when I see this flagrant subservience to what was multi-million dollar marketing propaganda foisted on people who have completely submitted to the imposed belief systems that were always about lies, fraud and profiteering at the people's expense. Do you homework with honesty and stop promoting anti-democratic, anti-humane marketing for profit. I write these notes as someone who has spent over 50 yrs observing, studying the harms of this system as well as learning real healthful ways of living and avoiding the toxins imposed on us.

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@ Tanya Marquette: F that deranged bear-dumping anti-vaxxing low-life clown with his nose up the ass of a Hitler-channeling F A S C I S T!!!! - and same to any and all with their noses up Bobby Junior's fetid rear end. You must know that Dear Leader called him in and said "you get to talk your BS on vaccines but you say nothing on ecology, capiche?" In other words: "Bobby Jr., feel free to spread lethal misinformation on vaccines but your background in environmental defense must be mute here because we are going even more ape-shit with the eco-exterminist cooking and poisoning of the planet. I know a number of "libertarian" and New Agey reefer heads who got converted into Trumpwhores via anti-vaxxyism and Bobby Bear Dumper. Two of them are now dead thanks in no small part to their rejection of modern medical science.

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Are you stating only one trump pick is actually a great choice?

I know money rules most certainly. Our history proves that as factual. Period. I witinesed polio and other viruses damages. But, I'll bow out as my degree certainly isn't in that field at all. And researching now is cat and mouse with so much purposely placed disinformation. AI will only amplify our Web world of dis, mis, information (lies)

My latest read, who knows:


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You should apply for a position within the Trump cabinet. What would be your choice if he asked. ?home land security?

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Department of Basketball Oversight. I would require a vast panoply of big screen televisions and cable subscriptions. I would also like a state of the art hoops facility, a fully stocked kitchen and bar and a cutting-edge music studio.

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