So succinct, thank you.

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I can only emphasize the context you already established that we are living (and dying) in the Capitalocene. All this addiction to war, full spectrum dominance, and ruling class control, to name a few, is keeping us from eco socialism. Humanity has a shred of hope in eco socialism as the systems of oppression are ended once and for all.

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Well done. Quote Ilo 'ala carte' . I should be in a Quaker flophouse in Israel randomly injecting words for subjection and offensive human resource double entendres into coffee shop ambience. Morris Berman is doing this very thing in Mexico City white wine bars and SO can I . I have deja vu about maybe it does not matter dreaming the case brought by Nigeria was in t international court. If one of the judges feels similarly they are liable to push the wrong yea or nay button. This is no dream, this is megadeath on the scale that touches youngsters in their comforts of having a parent nearby.

In defiance of reasonable expectations i say that in hope of forgetting the allure of leaving my fellows with pleasant vibrations after seeing my face that Abby Martin and yourself have never won one victory l8ke her successful case in Virginia? Against the deplatforming of disinvestment campaigning. But that she has no particular skill set, maybe she does and maybe you are simply humanely intoning the news that for example US marines have open fired on banana pickers in Blue Fields Nicaraugua demanding 50 cents more a week. I ran into Marcy Kaptur at a local business thanked her for vetoing the bank bailout and told her to retire with my thanks. She did not and she voted for the 86 billion? Dollar supplement. The words were worth the spit i invested, there are a million progressives over the age of 28 willing to occupy congress, they can use my singing the dirge of all the news I know up to and incl'g megadeath without good feeling plums of well, the fire department continues to put out little fires.

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