While surely there are some horrible right-wing reactionary Islamists that happen to be anti-Imperialist that the Left should shun, there are unfortunately also a large number of right-wing Islamic groups that use terroristic methods that have actually been supported and adopted under the wing of the Liberal Interventionists. As Joe Biden said, 'Isis is on our side in Syria'. We paid off horrible warlords in Afghanistan for years, not to mention the guys we supported there in the 80's. 'McJihad' is a term used for this.

Good Leftists should be aware and of course condemn the cynical usage of right-wing Jihad for our own uses in the region.

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Paul -- there's a dead link here: (including the ridiculous pretend Maoist “comrade Ajith”) Can you edit into the post, or put it here? Trying to do a close read! Thanks for this piece

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This was a great essay to read- clarified a lot for me! Gave me a boost to read a superb articulation of inchoate stuff (feelings? Opinions?Understandings? Longings?) in my head. Thanks for that. I wish I understood Note-1 concerning the ‘revolutionary’ adjective.

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Paul, At this point in our struggle I feel we could enhance our chances of revolutionary change if the U.S. left would consider a bit less holier than thou sacredness. Attacking comrades or future comrades so freely is dangerous for a few reasons: It precludes the possibilities of the very change you espouse, it assumes prematurely to say the least, one true path, you unnecessarily at this point alienate future folks joining the struggle. Let us be more open to possible areas of how success might occur as the struggle proceeds instead of continuing to shoot in a circular firing squad. Consider using your excellent powers of Marxian analysis without mistaking your possiblities for predictive truths. Keep on keepin' on!!!

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Couple of things. First, I wonder how you would have responded to Iranian women refusing to leave their houses, after the first Shah outlawed the veil? It sounds like you would have opposed their right to choose what cultural practices they SHOULD follow, which I would suggest is just more imperialist oppression masquerading as revolutionary practice. Second, surely we should all agree that what passes for 'culture' in most of the West is, in fact, decadent, lacking in any meaningful social connection, devoid of any sort of moral compass........ You seem to have chosen your own set of 'universal truths' or 'rights,' but one of them isn't that the people of any given nation should have both the right and the responsibility to sort out their own house. Finally, industrial civilization will 'soon' collapse (I would say well within my grandchildren's lifetimes.), as the planet's finite resources will no longer be able to provide what is needed to continue on our present path. This could prove to be a perfect time for our species to develop updated versions of what Karl and Fred referred to as 'primitive communism.'

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“There is no greater treason than to do right for the wrong reason” ,(or for the wrong people to do the righteous thing?) Hamas may be medieval fascists, but who else do the Palestinians have ? They have certainly exposed the true nature of Zionism, albeit at horrendous cost to the Palestinian people!

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