Bloody Zelensky just fired his top general cuz the commander knows and says the war is a F'ng stalemate

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Seeing the Farce of the USA and the other western "democratic" imperialists make me sick at heart. These blatant criminals , wearing the black ties and white shirts of the so-called ambassadors and members of the governments, CIA and FBI, and other mobsters are the modern naked emperor's "new "clothes" deserve what all common and uncommon murderers do, death or life imprisonment.

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Trump's vicious and ridiculous claim that if the president does it, it's legal, is part of every US president's thinking, no matter how many die or what is destroyed when the US goes to war, seeks to undermine the sovereignty of other nations, or does anything else to extend US military or corporate hegemony. It's a terrible, powerful club, US presidents and their allies--or their proclaimed enemies.

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As I'm sure you know, liberal ideology does not acknowledge that the US is an imperial power, instead, as Obama stated more than once, the US is an exceptional nation with a moral responsibility to be the world's policeman. Witness their horror when Trump talked about taking the US out of NATO which function's as America's cat's paw no matter what country the rotating commanding generals come from. Needless to say, the Left critics of NATO are not MAGA fascists, but that's how they're portrayed by liberals. Nor is NATO universally popular in Europe, East or West, as street demonstrations against NATO in Poland and other countries have shown.

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A book whose back cover features a list of endorsements from: Chas Freeman, who among other things openly defends the Tiananmen Square massacre, arch-reactionary John Mearsheimer, strangely called 'esteemed professor' here, and Douglas MacGregor, another, shall we say, colorful figure. And who has an endorsement on the front cover? None other than the 'great' Noam Chomsky. That is a perfect picture of what the 'Left' has reduced itself too...and the argument in a nutshell: the Ukrainians have zero agency or, if they do, they don't understand that their historic destiny is to be under the boot of the Kremlin or part of Russia's 'sphere of influence.' Who were they to have an uprising against their corrupt government and want to be part of Europe?

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As someone who lacks an education in both historical-materialism and global affairs, I don't quite get why the US interfered in Ukraine's domestic politics in 2014, expanded NATO, and provoked this ghastly war. Is it because the US empire wanted Russia to remain a puppet, as it was under Boris Yeltsin, and Putin's nationalism was positioning Russia to pursue its own capitalist ambitions? I feel like I'm missing something important.

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Russia has long been considered a US geopolitical and political-economic and military rival/enemy and yes Putin's forceful rejection of Western humiliation was and is a big red flag for Washington. Doesn't matter that Russia is no longer formally "Marxist." Not only in connection with Eastern Europe resources and markets but in connection with the US Empire's perceived need to punish those who challenge US hegemony around the entire world, even in their own regions and historicaly spheres of influence. I think Biden's response to Ukraine invasion was also a message to China regarding Taiwan.

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The NATO war machine drives big profits, as I believe each country in NATO or joining NATO must have a certain minimum arsenal of weaponry and meet other technological criteria to qualify for NATO membership. Needs and requirements which can always be increasing, I am sure. An easy and quick route to huge amounts of profit for those supplying these items. Any good neoliberal knows profits come first. We all know what they are up to... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-07-30-vw-18804-story.html

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But us capitalism imperialism is about a hell of a lot more than arms sales!

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Indeed, but war is the health of the state, no? There's always money to be made, and what better reason for the greed and power heads to engage in capitalism imperialism? Just sayin'. Money, profit, oh yeah it contributes in some way to all of their actions. Many different reasons for high flying assholes to engage in plundering the world, but, if not greed for money, what would you say Paul is their main motivation? Pure ideology? False and twisted consciousness? Power? Cruelty? Glory? Mental illness? Dopamine hits? Deep seated insecurity? Flat out insanity? They just have something to prove? Mommy never gave them a kiss? If someone holds up a liquor store we ask, why did they do it? OK, well how do you explain criminals like Henry Kissinger? Trump, Putin? Netanyahu? Lyin' Joe "top of his graduating class" Biden? Steal a boat, you're a pirate, steal a fleet, you're an Admiral.

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Well, you know, people can get addicted to crazy shit beyond wherever it all started, beyond the mode of productiion, and go off. Capitalism is bound up with imperialism and together they open up some nasty cans of worms.

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Yep, and we got ten pounds of worms in a five pound can that just might be gettin' ready to blow. Stand back when them worms start a-flyin'. Yikes.

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