A bit of musical playfulness for the weekend. In case you missed it, here’s the story, via BBC — about a riverside brawl that broke down on racial lines in the capital Civil Rights city of Montgomery, Alabama, when some Deep South small town whitebros took verbal and then physical exception to a Black ship captain telling them to move their illegally docked boat so a riverboat (the Harriott) carrying 200 people could tie up and let its passengers disembark: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66469611
The widely videotaped battle did not go well for the pink-skinned Alabamians. I’ll paste the full story into a comment attached to this audio. I noticed this line in the BBC report: “Since the incident, countless memes, video re-enactments, and other humour-intended clips making light of the incident have flourished online. This includes the creation of a song called - the Montgomery Brawl.”
I guess this audio is my little contribution to the celebration. Here’s my full lyrics in case you can’t make them out from my amateur recording:
The Alabama Boat Brawl of Twenty Twenty Three
Listen while I tell you a bit of history
About the Alabama Boat Brawl of 2023
On a dock once used by southern slavery
A black eye was given, yeah, to white supremacy.
A bunch of Bammy crackers got their undies in a bunch
And a racist drunken white boy ran and threw a wild punch
They were triggered by a Black man in authority
In the heart, in a city of the old Confed’racy
The captain of the ship he tossed his hat up in the air
And some southern men of Trump-ness they got folded by a chair
The command to move their vessel was to them a heresy
An offense to their principles of white supremacy.
On a wharf once poisoned by chattel slavery
Black folks stood up to make a bit of history
A beating handed down to white supremacy
In the Alabama boat brawl of 2023
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