Protest the Trump Hate Rally at the US Capitol Next Tuesday
The Democrats Will Not Stop This Fascist Nightmare
Next Tuesday, Donald Trump is going to address the United States Congress in an attempted prime-time Nuremberg Nazi Congress Rally broadcast from the very legislative branch that Trump and his fascist minions violently assaulted on January 6, 2021. There Trump will celebrate and advance the Christian Fascist white nationalist Amerikaner fascism that he and his party are working to consolidate and entrench atop the most powerful and dangerous nation in world history.
As Refuse Fascism observes, “Trump will go before a joint session of the US Congress to boast about his ‘accomplishments’ – terrorizing immigrants, purging the federal government, defying court orders, gutting the rule of law, threatening any country that doesn’t submit to U.S. power, and much more.”
“Trump,” RF ads, “is moving quickly to consolidate fascism. His regime is stomping on Congress’s power, and their answer is to invite him to speak. This makes clear that Congress will not stop this nightmare. Half of them are MAGA fascists, and the rest can’t even call this fascism what it is or call the people into the streets to defeat it.”
As RF says in its mission statement:
“The Democratic Party will not stop this nightmare. Even after some of the Democratic Party leadership rightly called Trump a fascist before the election, now they tell you to accept his fascism in the name of ‘democracy.’ No! There can be no reconciliation with fascism except on the terms of the fascists. Fascism must be resolutely opposed.
Everyone with a heart must be serious about defeating Trump/MAGA fascism through a sustained mass movement of collective resistance, refusal and disruption, creating a political situation that prevents Trump from governing and implementing his fascist program.
This is not a time for demoralization and despair. It is a time for courage and conviction. Together, we can defeat this fascism.”
Stomping Indeed
Stomping, indeed. The Trump fascist regime (TFR) is stomping all over Congress’s power of the purse, refusing to disburse money for programs the federal legislative branch has already approved and funded. Republicans in Congress who don’t fully align with the Trump program know they need get on board or face “credible death threats” from the Dear Leader’s terrorists.
The “zone-flooding” TFR is stomping all over the place:
· On the power of the judiciary, the top branch of which is headed by a Trump-crafted Christian Fascist majority that last July granted him full immunity from criminal prosecution for any “official presidential” action.
· On immigrant workers and families.
· On critical global humanitarian assistance.
· On the jobs and lives of federal employees and those who depend on them.
· On independent media and press freedom.
· On vital public assistance for the poor.
· On basic environmental regulatory capacities.
· On union rights.
· On public health and safety.
· On civil rights.
· On voting rights.
· On women’s reproductive freedoms.
· On science and truth.
· On educational funding and freedom.
· On more, including basic human decency – witness Trump’s posting a grotesque Truth Social post depicting himself and the US-backed war criminal Bib Netanyahu sipping drinks in their bathing suits at a Trump resort in ethnically cleansed Gaza.
Trump is by no means merely “joking” when he says he might stomp all over the US Constitution’s limitation of US presidents to two terms. As The New Republic’s editor Michael Tomasky recently observed, “Trump’s wants to be President for life and he’s already preparing for it.”
It’s no joke, as is strongly suggested by Trump’s purge atop the US military, which has put dutiful fascist lapdogs atop the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Will the Democrats in Congress get up and walk out of Mein Trumpf’s coming prime time fascist oration next Tuesday night? Will they turn their backs in defiance of his malignant hate speech and vicious boasting and talk of retribution?
Some very few might do that (who knows?). Most will stay in their seats, withholding applause and looking stern. Some are apparently planning to bring with them individual victims of the Trump-Musk budget cuts as silent testimony to the cruelty of the right wing “oligarchy.”
The Dems are not themselves a fascist party. They cling to what’s left of domestic US bourgeois electoral, parliamentary, and rule of law democracy, such as they are —things at which the Republi-fascists are taking direct aim. They continue to rely on the previously normative values and processes of the fading establishment institutions of republican and constitutional governance — on elections, lawsuits, the courts, pressure on legislators, town halls, and the like.
But with parties as with individuals, not being fascist yourself does not make you into a serious opponent of fascism.
“Resolute opposition” beyond “despair and demoralization” and with “courage and conviction” in “the streets” and public squares?
Hell yes! While the 50501 movement, citing security concerns, chose not to hold a physical people’s rally in Washington DC to protest Trump’ Hate Rally in the Capitol, Refuse Fascism will assemble for a peaceful and permitted protest in the nation’s capital at 4:00 pm next Tuesday in Upper Senate Park north of the Capitol. There RF will advocate mass resistance in the streets and public squares to remove the Trump fascist regime as soon as possible:
‘It is up to the people to stop Trump/MAGA fascism!
Because Trump/MAGA fascism is consolidating in the world’s most powerful country at a time when humanity’s future is threatened by climate destruction and nuclear war…
Because history shows that fascist rule must be stopped before it becomes entrenched across government and society…
Because fascism, no matter how it comes to power, is never legitimate…
Because nothing decent can be accomplished for humanity and life itself as long as the Trump fascist regime holds power…
On March 4, let us show the world that there is a non-violent mass movement that is bold, powerful, and determined to stop Trump/MAGA fascism in the name of humanity, growing and refusing to stop until we create the kind of profound political crisis such that Trump cannot govern the country, implement his fascist program, or maintain his hold on power.
When the whole world is watching: be in the nation’s capital March 4!’
You can volunteer to join and help organize this protest here”
If you can make it to Washington to attend this protest and meet RF activists and supporters next Tuesday, please make plans to do so.
I will be speaking on behalf of RF in Chicago that day - more details on that later.