The United States is "not calling for restraint." Netanyahu has asked for and will receive US diplomatic cover as he proceeds to massacre Palestinian civilians in Gaza —-what he calls "mighty vengeance." The genocidal fascist Netanyahu has promised to "flatten Gaza." The judeo-fascist occupation and apartheid state of Israel told Gazans to flee but has bombed the Gaza crossing to Egypt. The Gazans have nowhere to go.
The cable networks provide riveting and painful, highly personalized accounts of Israeli victims, but none of the same for Palestinian victims. The sheer Hell that Israel and its great sponsor the American Empire have created for the people of Palestine —- and especially for those stuck in the open air prison that is the Gaza Strip —- over many decades can barely be discussed in the dominant US war media. Here (above) are some photos of Gaza kids killed and terrorized by Israel in past bombing raids.
MSNBC just gave platform to a bloodthirsty retired US general salivating at the prospect of US sea and air forces helping Israel slaughter innocents. This warmonger just quivered with excitement over how Israeli Defense Forces will “go in [to Gaza] high and hard,” “motivated” to extract maximum racist vengeance.
The world’s leading imperialist (a title that always go to the US president) Joe Biden has prayers for Israelis, none for Palestinians. In the brief speech he just gave to the world, he made it “crystal clear” that he is on board with “our partner” Israel killing untold thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.
Washington is granting money to Tel Avi for the purchase of miltiary material from high tech US companies. It’s money for US “defense” (empire and war) contractors, Bob Dylan’s “masters of war.”
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