The Paul Street Report
The Paul Street Report Podcast
Me Talking About Some Dumb Stuff leftish People Are Saying and Posting

Me Talking About Some Dumb Stuff leftish People Are Saying and Posting



  1. January 6 was a “working class protest and party that got a little out of hand” (!)

  2. The MAGA base is basically the working class and all about proletarian economic grievances/neoliberal abandonment.

  3. “Russia didn’t inade Ukraine.”

  4. Iowa can be a blue state again in 2025 cuz it used to have a bunch of Democratic governors.

  5. The White House will stop backing genocide in Gaza if the Democrats just stop listening to AIPAC/the Israel Lobby.

  6. America is a democracy/popular sovereignty.

  7. The US Founders were for and about democracy/popular sovereignty

  8. Trump Derangement Syndrome (the sick accusation of “TDS” vs. the smarter acccusation of “TDS”).

    Books referenced and/or relevant to my comments: Paul Street, This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals and the Trumping of America; Paul Street, They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy; Anthony DiMaggio, Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here; Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, Democracy in America? On the Founders: Paul Street, “Enough with the Holy Founders and Their Undemocratic Constitution.”

The Paul Street Report
The Paul Street Report Podcast
Radical reflections on past and present