January 6 was a “working class protest and party that got a little out of hand” (!)
The MAGA base is basically the working class and all about proletarian economic grievances/neoliberal abandonment.
“Russia didn’t inade Ukraine.”
Iowa can be a blue state again in 2025 cuz it used to have a bunch of Democratic governors.
The White House will stop backing genocide in Gaza if the Democrats just stop listening to AIPAC/the Israel Lobby.
America is a democracy/popular sovereignty.
The US Founders were for and about democracy/popular sovereignty
Trump Derangement Syndrome (the sick accusation of “TDS” vs. the smarter acccusation of “TDS”).
Books referenced and/or relevant to my comments: Paul Street, This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals and the Trumping of America; Paul Street, They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy; Anthony DiMaggio, Rising Fascism in America: It Can Happen Here; Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, Democracy in America? On the Founders: Paul Street, “Enough with the Holy Founders and Their Undemocratic Constitution.”
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