“Like white on rice” is a phrase I picked up working on the Black South Side of Chicago (like “serious as a heart attack” and “you need a check-up from the neck up”).
I realize there’s brown rice, of course.
I think I may have referred to Tim Walz as Bill Walz. Sorry.
Also I mispoke at 2:05: should have said “democratic rights,” not “economic rights.”
Long story short: No, fascism is not lurking in any and all kinds of societies past and present. Capitalism grabs on to, exploits, preserves, and expands key components of fascism — racism, patriarchy, xenophobic nationalism, anti-intellectualism/ conspiratorialism — while creating and then discrediting “modern [bourgeois] democracy.”
I suppose I could have also mentioned that capitalism produces anti-capitalist and other anti-authoritarian movements that fascism is tasked with crushing.
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