
Capitalism and Fascism

Some Reflections on Class, Race, Gender, Fascism and Communism as Liberation

Topic map here:

  1. Trumpism-fascism is rooted in the system of capitalism-imperialism “interwoven [in Andy Zee’s words] with the history of this country” (the USA).

  2. Fascist billionaires under Hitler and Trump & fascist Social Darwinian love for the super-rich.

  3. William Robinson and Trump’s “transnational capitalist” billionaire fascism

  4. Capitalism and the de-legitimization of “democracy.”

  5. The American Minority Rule constitutional order and the de-legitimization of “democracy.”

  6. The fascist base is not just an elite-manipulated working class. Racism, misogyny, nativism, and fundamentalist Christianity are deeply rooted in US American society going back to its origins.

  7. Understanding white supremacy, sexism/patriarchy, and xenophobic nativism as dialectically bound up with American capitalism and Trumpism-fascism

The William Robinson interview: https://znetwork.org/znetarticle/william-robinson-trump-cant-represent-the-interests-of-workers-and-capital-at-the-same-time/

(Actually I should not pretend to know everything this prolific scholar thinks about the Trump base. I really just mean what he seems to think about that base on the basis of at least this essay).

The outlier Minority Rule nature of US bourgeois democracy: Paul Street, “The Tyranny of the Minority: A Marxist Appreciation and Critique,” https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/08/16/the-tyranny-of-the-minority-a-marxist-appreciation-and-critique/

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