
Addressing Particular Issues and Fascism But Also the Underlying System

Reflections on Revolutionary Morality and Necessity

I meant at the outset of this talk (at 0:42 ) to say, quoting Marx, “philosophers have tried to understand history, he point is to change it.”

An essay I did on the relationship between fascism and ecocide (on eco-fascism): https://www.paulstreet.org/ku-klux-climate-coal-petro-palingenesis-and-the-historical-materialism-of-fossil-fascism/

The essential Bob Avakian essay from which I quoted and from which the Black Death analogy comes: https://revcom.us/en/bob_avakian/reform-or-revolution-questions-orientation-questions-morality

The occupation of eastbound I-80 north of Iowa City after the first time Mein Trumpf was elected: https://littlevillagemag.com/anti-trump-protest-rallies-through-the-streets-to-i-80/